Jin Roh armor project...

I think the 5 holes in the helmet should be moved further t the front. Btw, Where'd ya get the helm?
Very nice so far, getting proportions and everything right, is definetly going to be tough, as like you said it's going to be different in every image. Just find something that you like and looks right and stick with that, noones going to fault you on it.


I've been talking to my cel dealers to try and get hold of some Jin Roh Settei sheets also, as those would be great to help with this project, but no luck so far - any production art from this movie is incredibley hard to get hold of.

Here's some additional images, that may help you with some of the proportions and details.












Originally posted by NEKROFANATIC+Mar 6 2006, 01:40 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(NEKROFANATIC @ Mar 6 2006, 01:40 AM)</div>
I think the 5 holes in the helmet should be moved further t the front. Btw, Where'd ya get the helm?
It's pretty apparent by now (from looking at so many pictures) that certain details (like the 5 helmet vent holes) are really arbitrary. The range from being very forward to being way back to being tiny, large, in the middle, etc. If it were a 3D anime, then it would stay consistent, but facts say you have to take the most asthetically pleasing compromises and go with that. The current 5 vent holes on the mock up are, IMHO, the best position and size.

That particular helmet is a M42 repro from bothanspy. :thumbsup

In referencing M42 helmets with the anime, however, the animators oversized the anime helmet depending on their needs (sometimes grossly oversized). That's an issue I have to think about.

@Mar 6 2006, 04:41 AM
Very nice so far, getting proportions and everything right, is definetly going to be  tough, as like you said it's going to be different in every image. Just find something that you like and looks right and stick with that, noones going to fault you on it.


I've been talking to my cel dealers to try and get hold of some Jin Roh Settei sheets also, as those would be great to help with this project, but no luck so far - any production art from this movie is incredibley hard to get hold of.
Any additional art would be really appreciated. If they can't be used on this project, I'd still like to look at them for personal enjoyment.

Thanks very much for the specific feedback. Hopefully this picture addresses what you pointed out (let me know if it does or not):
Since the final masks will be fiberglass, we can really pull out the fine, sharp details. The edges are therefore sharp and extra crispy for your enjoyment. ;) (not smooth and round like a vacformed pull)

Originally posted by RodianJedi+Mar 6 2006, 04:41 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(RodianJedi @ Mar 6 2006, 04:41 AM)</div>
Wow, the mouth is huge in this picture. Very mean looking. Do you have a larger one of this? I like it...

Originally posted by RodianJedi@Mar 6 2006, 04:41 AM

Look how tall the helmet is... that is not what the M42's shape is. The mask is also skewed tall... is this a distortion of the screen capture? Everything should be more squat...

Originally posted by RodianJedi@Mar 6 2006, 04:41 AM

another long mouth... hm........ very interesting. It gives it a meaner look. What do you guys think?

@Mar 6 2006, 04:41 AM

Here's an example of the "squat face"... The mouth is now tiny, and the face is squeezed up into the mask. What gives?

I'd like some 3rd party feedback.. :D
Originally posted by synasp@Mar 7 2006, 04:42 PM
Here's an example of the "squat face"... The mouth is now tiny, and the face is squeezed up into the mask. What gives?

I'd like some 3rd party feedback..  :D

I'm guessing that this is the animator's portrayal of the apparent shortening of a long object when it is viewed end-on. If the soldier in the image were to tilt his chin upwards a little more, the snout would appear to become shorter still and the face would seem to squeeze even farther into the mask. Of course, the animator is trying to show this three-dimensional effect through a two-dimensional medium, so it looks a bit funky.
Originally posted by temponaut@Mar 7 2006, 02:30 AM
I'm guessing that this is the animator's portrayal of the apparent shortening of a long object when it is viewed end-on.
Oooooh--I never thought about it like that. So we're seeing the mouth from an angle that makes it look flat? That makes sense.... so then they're all Long Mouths?
Originally posted by synasp@Mar 8 2006, 01:47 AM
Oooooh--I never thought about it like that. So we're seeing the mouth from an angle that makes it look flat? That makes sense.... so then they're all Long Mouths?
That's my guess. :)
I believe the actual helmet is based upon the M38 and not the M42 which would account for the larger dome.
Do you mean the M35/M40 helmet? Possible, but isn't the M42 is actually larger? The rim of the M42 flares out (instead of rolls in).

I don't know about the M38, though. Do you have pictures?
Sorry, my bad, it was the M35 I was thinking about. I don't have a pic of one but here is an ebay link to one ( I know, I know, no live auctions, but these things are a dime a dozen...)


Nonetheless, I agree that there are many differing styles. Even I'm partial to the 'wolf snout' face mask. However, yours is just so damn fine looking...
Damn. It never occured to me the M35/40 would be used vs. the 42, since I asked a big WWII-buff friend of mine what the JR helmet looked like, and he seemed so sure it was a M42... but then again, we are talking about animation here.

I looked around, and hopefully a WWII buff can chime in here, but it looks like the M35/40 has a fatter "forehead" and back of the helmet vs. the M42, which seems less boxy. Is this illusion, wishful thinking, or fact? Can someone fill me in? Anyway, the differences in the M42 and 35/40 is so slim that I can't confidently tell the diffeHere's a

side profile... not long now...
the red arrows are where the helmet looks fatter.rence.
Not chiming in with any useful information about the helmet here.

Just had to tell you how sweet the prototype looks.

Beautiful work, David. :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

{EDIT} And beautiful work by you, too, David's partner.
Thanks G. But my partner in crime hasn't spoken up yet... he deserves to take a big bow.

So to recap the latest progress for the next page:

i have 2 M42s, one M40, and a spanish helmet and honestly, there isnt any difference in shape between an M35, M40, and M42. the only differences between involve the air vents, and the lip/roll of the flare.

the M35 had a rolled lip on the flare, and used hollow rivits for the air vents. the M40 still had the rolled lip on the flare, but stamping process was changed and the air vents were now just stamped in the helmet shell itself. and the M42 had the stamped air vent, but the rolled lip on the earlier helmets became a lip on the bottom of the flare, to cut the cost of manufacturing.

then you also have the post war manufactured helmets, which are essentially M42s, and spanish army helmets, which were originally purchased from germany during the spanish civil war, and later stamped on dies purchased from germany. the later helmets tend to be pretty flimsy compared to a real german helmet though.

if you were to ask me, i would say you could use any helmet you want, because the anime helmet is never going to be an exact representation of any real helmet.
i also think that the holes on the side of the helmet should be on the sides. if you look at these screencaps from the red spectacles, it looks to me like they are on the sides. and in the sketches and screengrabs from jin roh, it also looks to me like they are supposed to be on the sides.


Any idea what function those holes in the helmet are supposed to serve?

A series of gaping holes seems an odd design choice for a piece of gear designed to protect one's head. Was their purpose ever made clear in any of the source material?
Originally posted by Kylash327@Mar 10 2006, 12:31 AM
air flow to cool the head?
Yeah, that was the first thing I thought of, too. Still, it seems a bit of an odd choice. "Well, unfortunately he was killed by a piece of shrapnel that got through one of the vents in his helmet. But at least his head was cool." :unsure