Well this is how it looks NOW. Massive thank you to The Shiny One!! I guess this is exactly what this forum is here for.
I have no idea what the wording is on the file, guess I will have to wait for the Blu Ray. But for now I have guessed some stuff to keep it looking good.
This is when they were filming # 2 , they could have also change the looks digitally , but it was filmed in lower Manhattan , anyone's guess unless they speak to the film crew, anyway you slice it big fan of JW1,2,and 3.
Quite sure actually that the outside shots (in all three movies) are of 1 Wall Street Court aka Beaver Building aka The Cocoa Exhange. See comparison, same stairs, same lights, same ornaments, same surroundings, etc. Not digitally altered. I believe all indoor and lobby shots were indeed somewhere else.
The Continental hotel in the film is Delmonico's ,a restaurant in lower Manhattan, South Williams street. The Bar scenes where John meets Winston, were the interior of Delmonico's restaurant.