Done / Completed John Wick Coins - Round 9 - coins ordered 1/2022

I told the company I wanted to order more coins and am waiting for an invoice from them to pay.
There are still people that have not paid.
Luke K. that paid for 2 coins.....please PM me your RPF name. You paid without leaving a note.
I think its 20 coins total that folks need to step up since they are the ones asking Jintosh to do another run. Just Like Stussy said, "Pay the man" If not i am sure other John Wick Fans will step up and make it happen then you will miss out yet again.
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has everybody paid up?if you have not paid for your coins this is what you will miss out on!
Nope, I am Harrison R.

Hmm. I had thought you were Luke, since you said you paid on that day, and there was one person that day that didn't leave a note.
But, Since there REAL Luke just PM'd me, I don't see your PayPal. Pull up the transaction on your PayPal, and check the spelling of the email you sent it to. Should be (.ORG not .COM)
If it is miss-sent, just cancel it and resend it.
If it seems correct, send a screen shot of that PayPal transaction. I had one guy do that and it turned out that he did indeed swap 2 letters, and was having a dyslexic moment. :)
I can't believe I'm gone for a few weeks and miss out again! I'd like to get 2 if it's not too late or if you end up with extras!!