"He was talking about the post conversion phasers,"
- - My mistake - apologies Gregatron.
"There is still no evidence that the GJ fell off of Kirks belt and that is why it is broken; that is just a made-up story. I looked through all of the production records for this episode and there is no mention of it.'
- - I will not argue with your research into the Desilu production records. Question though (with respect) - were all of the prop repairs made by the Effects Department reported to upper management (in memos)?
"The scene of Kirk in Craters quarters was filmed
before the scenes of them out amongst the ruins searching for Crater."
- - exactly - this is what I have been saying - it appears Kirk had no fear of his Hero P2 dropping off his belt in these early scenes. In the later scenes out amongst the ruins - Kirk clearly has his hand hovering over his P2 which was hanging vertically out in the ruins...
"Further, you cannot possibly know which B & W became which reworked phaser." -
- agreed I cannot state with certainty ("know") the following photo comparisons are proof - however I can state the photographic evidence suggests that certain "tells" do allow an observer to draw such conclusions as can be useful until such time as the observations are prooven to be incorrect:
View attachment 1847331
This Hero P2 in Kirk's hand in "The Enemy With" has a concentric cylindrical emitter. There was only one WMC Hero P2 that had such an emitter:
View attachment 1847328
The "Unknown" Hero P2 in this outtake shot has the same concentric cylindrical emitter.
The following photo shows a Hero P2 with the emitter all the way down and a screw on the front right side.
View attachment 1847329
There is was only one WMC Hero P2 that had the emitter so low on the front of the P2 body - Greg Jein P2:
View attachment 1847330
In my opinion - the B&W Hero P2 in the red shirts hand in "Charlie X" was the future "Greg Jein" P2.
And the following Hero B&W P2 on Kirk's gold belt has a short conical emitter and no screw on the right side:
View attachment 1847332
IMO there was only one WMC Hero P2 that had a short conical emitter and no screw on the right side - the "Riley /Lenore".
There was only one other WMC Hero P2 that did not have a screw on the right side:
View attachment 1847333
In my opinion this B&W P2 is the future WMC Finney P2.
"Please stop spreading disinformation!!!"
- - I do not believe that expressing my opinions to the members of therpf is spreading disinformation! This is a hobby for me - that enjoy very much. And in keeping with the ideals of therpf I will share what I see in the photographics evidence of the with the members...
View attachment 1847334