Done / Completed Jumanji Board V2 - Animated Riddles @ PG.7 (11/10)

Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

I'm just trying to help poon's board be the best it can be but no one wants it to be.

*gets down on knees*

"All hail the Poon. For he is master prop maker. Nothing he will ever do will be wrong. All hail the Poon."
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Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

JumanjiFan112, not a single prop that you can obtain here on the forum is 100% screen accurate. There are only a few exceptions like the CryoCan from Rylo, to give an example, which will be 99,90% screen accurate, but the majority of props offered here will have minor details that are not screen accurate. I own over 200 props, and I guess I have only 1 or 2 that resembles the original prop for more than 99%. All others vary between 80% and 95% accurate. It are after all REPLICA's.

So pointing out these minor, very minor in accuracies is not fair. I can do that for all the props I have, but why should I?

Fact is that markpoons board is the best available AT THIS MOMENT. I don't say it's perfect. Personally I also think the warping of the lids on some of them should not happen, and the paintjob could be better too, but I still have not seen a better replica enywhere... If someone here makes a better replica, I will be the first to admint that it is better, but until now, it didn't happen. Simple as that. It's not that we "worship" markpoon. But it is a reality that his Jumanji board is a complex prop and the best one available now.

Again: if you think you can make / let someone make a better board, please do so and show us it IS possible to make a better board. I'd really be very interested to see pics of work in progress. You're not really "helping" here, you are just giving critique about minor details... If you can do better, please feel free to do so...
Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

If he had simply wanted to give constructive advice and had done so since the beginning, it would have been accepted.

But the Fan's attitude is completely unacceptable. He is a control freak and a drama queen.
Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

Dude, get a life! You sound so petty and bitter. Markpoon owes you nothing so stop acting like he does.

Here's constructive for ya. To everyone saying I never contribute something useful.

First off, there is a HUGE gap between the lids and the playing field:
View attachment 393960

Then, the intricate pattern around the board is supposed to fit together to shut the lid completely, not just sit on top of itself like poon's:
View attachment 393961

Next, about the intricate pattern again, next to the game piece compartments, it is one "diamond" too many and make the game look funky:
View attachment 393962

And finally, the capital J on the front of the game is too thin:
View attachment 393963

If poon is so professional and has all these resources to make these games, he should have the knowledge to be able to change these things.
Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

I didn't even read the remarks he gave, but now I took the time to read his post and take a look at the remarks. Come on, mate, this is rediculous! 3 of the remarks are of the diamond shaped borders, which is by far NOT the biggest issue with these boards if you really want to give remarks... Also the slightly other shape of the capital J is a detail that is not a real issue. You took a picture of one of the first engravings of markpoon, but on the final boards the J appears to be bigger and very, very close to the J that can be seen in several screencaps. You even compared it to a stunt board, not to the hero board.
Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

:popcornWell.... people's heads come in all shapes and our brains are wired up in all sorts of ways. Hey Jumanji Fan. I admire your meticulousness and extreme accuracy prowess, however it may have it's place where it may be more or very useful like in Rocket Science and some of the very accurate space NASA programs, but this Jumanji board does not have to be so "super accurate". Yes...really. The replica Mark developed so far is very formidable and it evokes so much charm and sentimental good feelings:love of the Jumanji board and movie. These feelings are real and fuzzy in nature and that is all that is since Mark Poon's replica achieves this immensely...that is plenty for most Jumanji fans and collectors (at a reasonable price of course...and his prices are definitely that). Being ridiculously 'super accurate' is not really required or necessary in this case and most other prop replicas.....absolute super accuracy in prop replicas is just an extra bonus or another cherry on top of the cake.:p
Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

If some remember, I had a bit of attitude when I first started here. But I got over it. The GOOD people here encourage me to be better.
Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

Is it just me or have these forums been pretty negative lately? Iv noticed it in a few threads now. Whats happening?

As for accurate or not its the best board out simple as that. I came into this game late and missed out on the original run. I keep going back and forth whether I want this or not, and I do but I dont want to spend that much on the board. Thats my choice and no one else's. If mark wants to charge a higher price then so be it. We dont have to agree with it or buy it mark wont lose sleep over it lol.
Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

hi guys,

no need to get worked up :) JumanjiFan112 is entitled to his opinion, if he think my board isn't accurate, so be it :D he didn't buy or own any of my boards so his opinion doesn't mean a thing to me :) if all you guys love your board, it's all that matters :D
Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

hi guys,

no need to get worked up :) JumanjiFan112 is entitled to his opinion, if he think my board isn't accurate, so be it :D he didn't buy or own any of my boards so his opinion doesn't mean a thing to me :) if all you guys love your board, it's all that matters :D
I think BOTH versions of the board are stellar Mark. If I had the funds when your runs were active, I would have been happy purchasing either of them :)
You seem to have the right frame of mind...Don't sweat one man's bitter opinion ;)
Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

I agree to Tom, the paint job could be better, but after all I thnik a painted board wasn't much more expensive, then unpainted boards, so who cares... There is always the possibility that someone else can do a new paintjob, like Sarednabs or Emmas board...

Marcs first run was a steal, a great price for an awesome prop.

The only thing, what could be better solved, was the lid problem. But I'm not sure about it... As fas as I remember, the 2nd board run had the same problem?
Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

hi guys,

thanks to david, all the riddles are done & we're going to load them in the mini LCD this weekend, I'll post a youtube video & it's going to absolutely WOW you :D
Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

But the LCD, nor a board with the LCD in there will be available for sale here, right? Better post it in the "Replica Props" section then...
Re: Jumanji Board V2 - PRODUCTION BOARD @ PG.3 (06/18)

hi guys,

all 14 riddles (8 seen on-screen & 6 spoken) & the jumanji logo animantion have been loaded into our mini LCD :thumbsup


click here to see the video! Uploads/1415589275_zps247c14a1.mp4
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So cool!

You should add some distortion to the graphic to give it a sleight 3D Sphere effect like this...

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