Gnar Gnar Jinn
Well-Known Member, thats NOT alot for a quality jacket, made of actual sheepskin.
Hint: If it says "Genuine Leather" or "Real Leather" or anything else that tries to make it seem that the materials are "geniune" or "real", its not topgrain or a split. Its powdered crap mixed with polymer and glue, then squeezed out of a machine to form a flat sheet, then its used to make a garment.
Think of "geniune letaher" or "real leather" as nothing more than what particleboard is in the woodworking industry.
I would have to agree with Dennis here, $850 is a fair price for quality craftsmanship and materials... If I had the money I'd contemplate the Logan vest, lots of opportunity for real world use if you're an outdoorsman... The fact that I can incorporate all the elements into my life is awesome!
And if any of you are on the fence about Dennis' (DLW) stuff, DO IT! Great work, and great packaging! I felt like I was opening something special when I opened it up! (And it totally was)