Let's see your Vader Reveal set

Yes, paid about two years ago. One delay after another but I kept giving him more time.

He did say that I could have a refund at any time but he hasn't answered any recent emails.

I don't think he's a crook at all. He's a stand up guy who has contributed a lot to the Vader Reveal 'club' and I think its more a case of he just hasn't got the time any more and/or has lost interest in the prop.

I've got about 75% parts collected if you don't include the mask.

Anyone offering super accurate ones?

Had you paid him? Didn't have much exchange with him personally but I wouldn't have taken him for a crook.

As I stated in a previous post, I'd really like to start from scratch on the fiberglass parts myself. A good while back I contacted Jesper Regel (JRX) about the Vader mask he showed in his thread here: http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=40178. I had thought this would be a fantastic base from which to get a mask and chinpiece but it wasn't a project he was interested in pursuing. He did, however, give me a bit of a heads-up on an upcoming reveal project from a source he wouldn't name and of specifics he couldn't mention. Haven't heard another peep from Jesper, the above-mentioned thread or the mystery reveal project he talked about...

Maybe if enough people are interested we could petition someone here to atleast audition the idea. I've had someone else in mind but I have no idea at all if they'd be open to it. The handful of people left on our old reveal project have bid me good luck as they don't want any part of it, having slogged through to this point with what they have! :lol And who can blame them really?:unsure
Not to hijack but I've been after a finished one for a while. If anyone has on to sell, drop me a PM.

Now back to your regularly scheduled thread.
Vader Reveal.........somewhere on my list of dream props..................somewhere down the road......................
Lord knows this is a sore subject for many, including myself, but I thought Id interject here. As some, like James, know I was involved with teh Vader reveal early on. A former member here convinced me he could deliver if I would front the project financially. Long story short I forked out a lot of $$$ and even gave this person a place to live. I was deployed to Iraq and when I returned it was to a ****storm. My house I was renting was destroyed. The utilities had been turned off for months. The enitire house reeked of acetone, entire sections of carpet burned, missing or encrusted with resin. My bedroom had been 'disassembled' and used as storage and my computer (which I had broken down and put away) had been hauled out and set up. Strangely My hard drive had been 'wiped'. I found out later that teh reason it was whiped was to hide activity some of which was teh using of my saved passwords to hack my ebay and paypal accounts. There was very nearly a death on my return and it took the intervention of family members to keep me from going to jail. I literally walked away from that house (and that state) and started over in California. I was promised restitution...for my investment in the Vader Reveal, the draining of my paypal account (-$600), the destruction of my PC, loss of my damage deposit etc if I wouldnt press charges. Needless to say I didnt receive a dime. Losses incurred were over six thousand dollars. I also found that in my absence in Iraq that other board members had volunteered to get help get things done (this is when I was warned that my home was not in the condition I left it in). I also found that this individual was operating under an assumed name or nom de guerre. WM is not his name but nobody is really sure what his real name is. VM (RIP) investigated all this back in teh day and backed all this up which is why Im still here.
So that is the Readers Digest version of the tale of woe. where does that leave me now? Well, I wasnt able to recover any of the masters or parts molds. While in Iraq I was banned from the VR board.
The one thing I WAS able to recover was the Tim Ketzer molds. It took a couple of years but I was finally able to recover them from the guy that did the fiberglassing.
So long story short I have the Ketzer molds. I paid $2500 plus S/H from Germany back then for those. After all my invested $$$ all I ended up having nothing to show for this project. I will never recover my $2500 or my $6000. My total outage on my involvement was massive. For those that asked why I allowed this person to move in to my house it was because after starting this project and having me commit my $$$ he told me he was being evicted from his house and wouldnt be able to finish unless I let him move in as he had nowhere to go and no steady source of income.
Now I have the Ketzer molds back. This is what Im offering. I will volunteer my molds to the VR group if they have somebody who is willing and able to provide copies to the group on condition that it is done for the members (not Ebay etc) at cost with one copy going to me. Perhaps a new pull could be made and modded to be a little more accurate. Sounds like James has a good idea on that. FYI I was unable to recover the dome molds.
I think the Ketzer helmet is a solid base but it needs some mods. Neck needs to be shorter and crown is too symetrical.
Anyway, if someobody wants to tackle this PLMK and my molds will be at your disposal...obviously not indefinitely as I would like teh molds back...but I will make them available on condition that the VR group gets first crack.
I can vouch for Onigiri on this situation. He got a really really crummy deal on all of this. He did, in fact pay out of pocket, to help fulfill some of the reveal orders including my own back in the day. He didn't owe me a dime and I told him so, but he sent me the missing parts from the kit that I had ordered. That is class in my book. The guy I originally paid the money to.........the one who took orders and made hollow promises........he took our money and ran. O you are very kind to offer your moulds on this seemingly forever doomed project......LOL. I wouldn't have the stomach to do that.

I will have a spare set of certain parts from the project that I could offer once I begin the project in earnest. I first have to take inventory to see what I won't need. Then actually put it together.

Maybe some day. :)

I have collected all the exterior parts and most jaw parts from Bill Smith so unless folks have some cool inner face parts I dont have Im pretty much set. Im not doing this for parts.
This has always been a fav prop of mine and Id like to see all of the pain and frustration turn in to something for everybody.It was nice seeing James' mask being worked on...Im glad one of those helmet castings is getting teh star treatment.
Thansk for the post Dave :)

I can vouch for Onigiri on this situation. He got a really really crummy deal on all of this. He did, in fact pay out of pocket, to help fulfill some of the reveal orders including my own back in the day. He didn't owe me a dime and I told him so, but he sent me the missing parts from the kit that I had ordered. That is class in my book. The guy I originally paid the money to.........the one who took orders and made hollow promises........he took our money and ran. O you are very kind to offer your moulds on this seemingly forever doomed project......LOL. I wouldn't have the stomach to do that.

I will have a spare set of certain parts from the project that I could offer once I begin the project in earnest. I first have to take inventory to see what I won't need. Then actually put it together.

Maybe some day. :)

Holy Cow Onigiri! :confused The reveal project itself has a VERY storied past, full of fits and starts, and loads of people who have just thrown in the towel along the way, dating back to the summer of 2000 IIRC....

I remember these molds having originated from you sometime around 2003-2004 or so :confused (after you bought them from Tim) but I honestly had no idea all that sort of mayhem befell you. I clearly remember a lot of grief to others from "WM" and loads of promises from him that were never fulfilled but somehow I totally missed the rest, especially your loss of property at his hands... :confused You certainly have my belated condolences.

The last I remember was that the molds had been transferred to Brett Landon and it was from him that I got my mask, chinpiece and dome. Brett did fantastic technical work on these parts and so far this is the best representation of the reveal out there, but I totally agree with you about the neckline and some other details here and there that could be improved to better match the original. When I saw the mask being offered by Jesper and the lack of neck flare and other sharp details on that mask, I thought it would be perfect but evidently not to be, atleast from him.

It's more than generous of you to offer the molds on this. Here's hoping someone with the wherewithal for it can give it a go and help supply those who missed out...:thumbsup

Lord knows this is a sore subject for many, including myself, but I thought Id interject here. As some, like James, know I was involved with teh Vader reveal early on. A former member here convinced me he could deliver if I would front the project financially. Long story short I forked out a lot of $$$ and even gave this person a place to live. I was deployed to Iraq and when I returned it was to a ****storm. My house I was renting was destroyed. The utilities had been turned off for months. The enitire house reeked of acetone, entire sections of carpet burned, missing or encrusted with resin. My bedroom had been 'disassembled' and used as storage and my computer (which I had broken down and put away) had been hauled out and set up. Strangely My hard drive had been 'wiped'. I found out later that teh reason it was whiped was to hide activity some of which was teh using of my saved passwords to hack my ebay and paypal accounts. There was very nearly a death on my return and it took the intervention of family members to keep me from going to jail. I literally walked away from that house (and that state) and started over in California. I was promised restitution...for my investment in the Vader Reveal, the draining of my paypal account (-$600), the destruction of my PC, loss of my damage deposit etc if I wouldnt press charges. Needless to say I didnt receive a dime. Losses incurred were over six thousand dollars. I also found that in my absence in Iraq that other board members had volunteered to get help get things done (this is when I was warned that my home was not in the condition I left it in). I also found that this individual was operating under an assumed name or nom de guerre. WM is not his name but nobody is really sure what his real name is. VM (RIP) investigated all this back in teh day and backed all this up which is why Im still here.
So that is the Readers Digest version of the tale of woe. where does that leave me now? Well, I wasnt able to recover any of the masters or parts molds. While in Iraq I was banned from the VR board.
The one thing I WAS able to recover was the Tim Ketzer molds. It took a couple of years but I was finally able to recover them from the guy that did the fiberglassing.
So long story short I have the Ketzer molds. I paid $2500 plus S/H from Germany back then for those. After all my invested $$$ all I ended up having nothing to show for this project. I will never recover my $2500 or my $6000. My total outage on my involvement was massive. For those that asked why I allowed this person to move in to my house it was because after starting this project and having me commit my $$$ he told me he was being evicted from his house and wouldnt be able to finish unless I let him move in as he had nowhere to go and no steady source of income.
Now I have the Ketzer molds back. This is what Im offering. I will volunteer my molds to the VR group if they have somebody who is willing and able to provide copies to the group on condition that it is done for the members (not Ebay etc) at cost with one copy going to me. Perhaps a new pull could be made and modded to be a little more accurate. Sounds like James has a good idea on that. FYI I was unable to recover the dome molds.
I think the Ketzer helmet is a solid base but it needs some mods. Neck needs to be shorter and crown is too symetrical.
Anyway, if someobody wants to tackle this PLMK and my molds will be at your disposal...obviously not indefinitely as I would like teh molds back...but I will make them available on condition that the VR group gets first crack.
Unfortunately I think Jesper has been forced into retirement by circumstances beyond his control (it's gotten kind of messy I understand). Personally I was trying to scrape together the fundage to pop for the GH ROTJ Master that was up for sale recently with a mind to use it as the base for a run of two part masks but someone else managed to puchase it first.

I'm hoping that maybe a run of VP masks will happen (NOT holding my breath) or another GH ROTJ will appear sometime within the next year that I could chop up.

Still looking for the right mask...

I'm sorry to hear about Jesper's issues. Don't know what they are but this hobby seems littered with otherwise talented people biting the dust in one way or another. I hope he can get things sorted in a good way. :unsure

Yes, paid about two years ago. One delay after another but I kept giving him more time.

He did say that I could have a refund at any time but he hasn't answered any recent emails.

I don't think he's a crook at all. He's a stand up guy who has contributed a lot to the Vader Reveal 'club' and I think its more a case of he just hasn't got the time any more and/or has lost interest in the prop.

I've got about 75% parts collected if you don't include the mask.

Anyone offering super accurate ones?

He may not have been a crook before but to me, anytime someone owes something on which they haven't delivered with two years having gone by and all attempts at communication having ceased, then that's the point at which I'd start considering them a crook...

I've had a lesson learned before as well so I know it doesn't do any good worrying about it. :unsure
Wow, I did not know there was such history with this prop ....

Most probably don't since the group project only lasted for a few years on the predecessor(s) of this forum; the original adherents went to ezboard and elsewhere a long time ago.

Still had these (and many other) old photos of the pulls from your molds in my files...

I believe these were while the molds were still in your possession early on:



And these were after the molds went to Brett:



Maybe they'll help those who might be sitting on the fence. And not to confuse anyone, I'll reiterate your saying the dome mold is not in your possession.

Holy smokes....the first couple of pics were of the master pull (which I have no idea where that disappeared to). Thse were at WMs garage before being evicted moving to my place. The later pics I have never seen before. Wow.

Still had these (and many other) old photos of the pulls from your molds in my files...

I believe these were while the molds were still in your possession early on:



And these were after the molds went to Brett:



Maybe they'll help those who might be sitting on the fence. And not to confuse anyone, I'll reiterate your saying the dome mold is not in your possession.

What a backstory :confused...

I´d like to participate in a new run of masks :thumbsup The ketzer mold already seems to get us good representations of the VR, but if someone is about to make the face more accurate...the better for us :cool

THANK YOU SIR for offering these!

No prob
what I wish I had was some sort of 'template' or instructions for how to do the inner jaw.
I have all of Bill Smiths pieces for this plus teh wires and braided cable and foam and photoetched pieces but really not an idea of how to build that front section up with teh perf metal, keys, etc. Anyone done a tutorial?

What a backstory :confused...

I´d like to participate in a new run of masks :thumbsup The ketzer mold already seems to get us good representations of the VR, but if someone is about to make the face more accurate...the better for us :cool

THANK YOU SIR for offering these!

No tutorial that I know of.

But maybe it´d be an option to ask somebody who already tachled the lower section. I know of kurtyboy having his finished, maybe he could give you some advice!?

I have a set of photomultiplier dynodes in the junkyard right now. if anyone still needs them.


Not to discredit what you have and best of luck on the offer, but...

...just out of curiosity, has anyone else tried and found out that the identical ones of these are no longer available? I haven't had need to contact Electron Tubes since I got mine years ago and steered everyone in Paul Davison's direction. Back then they were only something like $10.00 each for the correct copper ones.
Nice stuff in this thread! I always thought the reveal helmet was one of the coolest props in the series.
Not to discredit what you have and best of luck on the offer, but...

...just out of curiosity, has anyone else tried and found out that the identical ones of these are no longer available? I haven't had need to contact Electron Tubes since I got mine years ago and steered everyone in Paul Davison's direction. Back then they were only something like $10.00 each for the correct copper ones.

I tried emailing him several times this past summer and never received any reply. Doesn't mean they aren't available necessarily but I never had any luck contacting the man. Fortunately I was able to source two electron tubes through eBay.

That's an amazing story Onigiri, I'm sorry you got screwed over like that. The Prop world certainly seems to attract the best and worst kind of people doesn't it? Here's hoping that some good can come of the situation and a new run be made!
I tried emailing him several times this past summer and never received any reply. Doesn't mean they aren't available necessarily but I never had any luck contacting the man. Fortunately I was able to source two electron tubes through eBay.

Hmmm, his name is still listed on the corporate website... :confused

I'll try him again just to see if I can get a response out of him and find out if these are still available. I really don't see why they wouldn't be; when I first contacted them years ago it really created a buzz at their UK facility in finding out that they had something associated with Star Wars. I don't remember the lady's name at Electron Tubes but I was contacted by her and I was asked about using the reveal and Star Wars in their corporate sales literature. That clearly wasn't my permission to give so I advised her to contact the legal staff at Lucasfilm; I think her request was ultimately declined but it would've made an interesting sales angle for them I think!:lol
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