Licensed 1:1 Alien replica

Yeah it wouldn't take much to make the pose more graceful and similar to how it looked when Badejo was 'just standing there'. That and agree about the mouth detail, for the price that stuff has to be nailed.
The master for the legs and abdomen were out of the original mold - just the way it was sculpted. Chopping it up and reposing would take away from the "integrity" of the piece.
I don't think some minimal tweaking would ruin the "integrity". There's no denying its origins.
Since Badejo is not in that display, things don't even out, its simply an " as molded " situation, not necessarily a true reflection of what image we all responded to with such admiration. Which I would assume is not just pulled from the mold castings w the neutrality of the necessary pose for ease of casting.
Smaller changes are what I think most have suggested ( aside from correcting the head issues ) It could still be a full standing display.

Were it to be put into the crouched postion , perhaps some "integrity" would be lost, minimally I think, but it still starts w Giger sculpted castings.

I like Gigers museum copy too, but were I to want an "as molded" display, I think Id want the finishing work that Giger did for his copy, which is not screen accurate :love

Guess its just a personal preference. For me I wouldnt be feel any less enamoured w the beastie if he was reposed. :cool

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I don't think some minimal tweaking would ruin the "integrity". There's no denying its origins.
Since Badejo is not in that display, things don't even out, its simply an " as molded " situation, not necessarily a true reflection of what image we all responded to with such admiration. Which I would assume is not just pulled from the mold castings w the neutrality of the necessary pose for ease of casting.
Smaller changes are what I think most have suggested ( aside from correcting the head issues ) It could still be a full standing display.

Were it to be put into the crouched postion , perhaps some "integrity" would be lost, minimally I think, but it still starts w Giger sculpted castings.

I like Gigers museum copy too, but were I to want an "as molded" display, I think Id want the finishing work that Giger did for his copy, which is not screen accurate :love

Guess its just a personal preference. For me I wouldnt be feel any less enamoured w the beastie if he was reposed. :cool

Thats a given :) !
But things can fall differently / buckle/change w the construction of the suit once fitted.

Oh and if I don't catch ya in 4 days....Happy Birthday !!
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I don't have the cajones to cut mine up! ;)

Thats a given :) !
But things can fall differently / buckle/change w the construction of the suit once fitted.

Oh and if I don't catch ya in 4 days....Happy Birthday !!
Bottom line for me is the thing looks stiff and unlifelike, it is not a statue pose, it is the lack of a pose.:unsure
Just personal preference, but I would buy one not from the molds - but that looked good - over this boring one anyday.:thumbsup
FWIW this has always been my favorite moment of the alien on screen, the grace and strangeness of it. I can imagine a pose like this with walking feet which might work but for some people it might not fly. Just saw the extended version of this scene over at Youtube, wild stuff.

I think Scott could have gotten away with showing just a little more of this, wonderful how he tried to break away from the 'man-in-a-suit' problem.
Where the hell did that footage come from???? I have the super Quad disc set and none of that extra creature footage is even mentioned in the fast amount of extras. That is insane!! Thanks so much for posting, I've never seen that and I'm a huge fan of the film...
Yeah thanks Serafino!!!
Dont worry WPK Im sure that will be on the Special Special Extra Special Edition that will come out to celebrate the films anniversary :lol

Can never get enough cut footage of that first film :)
I've watched that movie so many times, the weird thing is that I have tried to 'read' what's really going on in that scene many times, and although I never figured out the geography or the missing action, seeing it plugged in like that suddenly makes sense out of the clues that were left--like the shadow of the alien crossing Lambert's back as it walks over, turns and crouches down as she's loading canisters.

Very creepy how that scene plays more explicitly with the possibility that not only do the Aliens get their form from the host, but possibly some of their behavior as well. Freud would have a field day...

Discussion about the Youtube scene:

Another discussion at the Hive forum called "Extended "ALIEN" movie scenes". Careful if you search, some bad sites come up.
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Thanks Serafino :angry

Searching for that, I eventually ended up on Youtube looking at a bunch of extended scenes from all the Alien movies, I couldn't stop clicking ! Damn Youtube endless loop of similar videos to click on !!!


Actually I had never seen the alternate Alien Resurrection ending, sortof liked it. Not as much as the early script I read while they were shooting it . That had the fight w the Newborn on top of the ship while it was going through re-entry . Silly, but probably more visually interesting.

I think that scene w the Alien from 1 is creepy, agreed, as if he was almost mocking human movements.
Its likely though to look back on that and redefine
what was probably an attempt by Ridley to make him look less like a human in a suit mimicking us while going about its killing .
That is a great scene. I can see why Scott chose to keep in more brief, though, as the ALIEN can sometimes look too much like a guy in a suit if the camera lingers just a bit too long. I always wondered, why is Lambert hanging and what happened to her clothes?! Is there any truth to the rumor that the ALIEN was supposed to rape her? The image of the tail going between her legs to push her towards it and if anyone remembers the HEavy Metal comic adaptation, it shows the tail stabbing her in the back, pushing her towards it's jaws.
Looks pretty good, but over my pricerange.

I'd settle for a nice head, or even just a tongue!
:loltheres a joke in there some where :lol

I like it. Its more of artisitic piece(like Giger's amazing art work) than a dynamic, overly posed comic store window display. But i have to agree the crouching/tail over head would have been nice too.:thumbsup
I may be remembering this wrong so don't quote me, this is from stuff I was reading last night. The tail scene is apparently taken from Brett's death, they borrowed it for Lambert. The filmmakers have apparently said they had no ideas about a sexual element to the attack, but the idea sure comes up a lot.

That is a great scene. I can see why Scott chose to keep in more brief, though, as the ALIEN can sometimes look too much like a guy in a suit if the camera lingers just a bit too long. I always wondered, why is Lambert hanging and what happened to her clothes?! Is there any truth to the rumor that the ALIEN was supposed to rape her? The image of the tail going between her legs to push her towards it and if anyone remembers the HEavy Metal comic adaptation, it shows the tail stabbing her in the back, pushing her towards it's jaws.