Life Size Wrath of Khan Spock


I think I def. see some yellowish green here.
I can see what you guys mean about the crags. Unfortunately, my Spock looks a little too old to be TOS Spock, and a little too young to be Star Trek 2 Spock effectively. I have a feeling the lifecast is from the Motion picture days.
Yep, more TMP to my mind...

But go easy with the green... Or you will have a Holck...
Half Hulk, half Spock !

Don't know what the final result could be, or if it could work, but maybe could you put some grease in his hairs ?

But awesome lifesize mate !!
Yeah, I will prob just leave the complexion unless I can be sure its not going to look too green.

I guess my Spock resides somewhere after TMP and before WOK.
I'd pull the eyeshadow away from the inner part of his eye cavity & just focus it more on the eyebrow ridge area...
Just seeing this thread for the first time. Amazing work! All the suggestions have really improved the overall appearance of what was already a nice piece. The only thing that seems slightly 'off' to me is the eyes. As was previously mentioned, I dont know if its that the irises are a little too large, or the openings are a bit small, but I always remember Spock as having a decent amount of white surrounding his eyes.

Looking back at the reference pics you have in post #62, the overall face is of a 'younger' film Spock (STTMP or WOK), but the sculpt seems to have his heavy eyelids as in The Undiscovered Country. I think that's why it seems just slightly 'off' to me. Aside from that one minor thing, It's incredible. Love the idea of the sound chip too!
Yep. I think you guys are correct about the eyes. I think it's more about the eye being a touch too small than the irises being big...

I'm getting to a point where I am happy with it staying as is. I'm gonna' remove some of the eyeshadow as suggested.

I added a touch of green makeup but wasn't crazy about how it looked so I removed it. Not sure it worth switching out the eyes for a smaller iris, I'm just afraid it'll be just as obvious the irises are not to scale- this time on the smaller side.
Man when you guys make props in here you really do make it bigtime, really how many people have a life size Spock awesome.
This is a 100% updated thread. Everything about this figure has been rethought and redone, minus the sculpt itself. I wanted a chance to start from scratch and show you guys how it looks now.

First, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the people who took the time to post commentary and advice in this thread, people like Dave (Vaderdarth) and really everyone who made some helpful suggestions. I think everyone's advice really paid off, and this is NEARLY where I want it to be. I'd like to swap out the fastening clasp soon, and maybe some other minor changes, but this is nearly there.

Thanks again guys.





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