I got a Ronson
Tempo lighter in today and like another Ronson lighter ("
Trophy" lighter) it seems to be fully of tiny "seeds" or sawdust or something instead of cotton. WTF!?!? They look extremely tiny, but it's weird I've gotten two with them in it now. There's no cotton or just a tiny little piece left inside. The rest of the contents are these seed things. This lighter looks unused in near perfect condition and yet it has these seeds inside them. I wondered if someone was smuggling some illegal plant seeds in lighters or something, but these are two different lighters from different sellers. Could cotton break apart and shrivel into sawdust somehow? It's mind boggling.
Meanwhile, I got another IMCO "Dandy" lighter, which is similar to a Dunhill Trench lighter, but with a removable "candle" fuel chamber and made in the USA instead of Austria. I think it was only made a few years as they're relatively rare compared to most IMCO lighters. This one has a functioning spark wheel (the problem seems to be the center wheel is not "free" to move on the other one which is why I can't get any spark, but it was sold as unused. I tried WD40. That got the main lid/wheel moving freely, but the spark wheel just moves with it. I have no idea how to get the center pin out of that one. This one, however (which was carefully photographed to
not show there's some plating off in the front, but is still in better overall condition than the other one that cost me twice as much) has some ginger-like smell in the cotton/wick chamber and the way it's "sticky frozen" I wouldn't be shocked if it were ginger ale or something dried up in there. I'm running the metal clip through some vinegar-baking soda water to get the sticky dried stains off....
Meanwhile, I swapped the cotton-clip-wick thing from the other one I already repacked and put it in this one and a flint and this one actually works. Hooray! It still doesn't spark as well as other lighter designs and I wonder if that's why they only made for two or three years....
I have one working Dandy lighter, at least. I'll clean the other clip and get a wick/cotton ready, but unless I can free that spark wheel and get the slightly too large flint out of the chamber (getting the spark wheel out might fix both if I could reassemble), it's apparently going to be display only.
IMCO "Dandy" Lighter