Apparently this person has multiple ones of the flying wheel.
Heres a great place to start.
Hi! I have never used this website before but I’ve been researching Markos jacket so I can start trying to make a (at least mostly) accurate version, and this forum has been very helpful. I was wondering if anyone has clear photos of the patches and tapestries so I know what to look for a little better. I’ve found good ones of the ladies, but not the others. I think I saw a few links for the smaller patches as well.
Thanks so much!

lost boys MARKO jacket replica!
So I thought I might post a list here of all of the patches. Pennywise's list of tapestries, preferred vendors, and reproduction patches on page 41 was tremendously helpful so I thought maybe having a post aimed specifically at all the vintage patches would be a fun and quick way for people to...