LOTR Collections...?


Master Member
Been on an LOTR kick this past week or two.

I've bought a couple swords to add to my meager collection. The Gauntlet of Sauron is about all I have. I've even thought of selling it off as my interest in LOTR has waned in the past years.

But now I sort of am thinking about building up a small collection of the items that truly apeal to me.

But there are SO many finely produced LOTR replicas out there. Has anybody obtained everything?

I'd love to see what you have.
I have a few cheapo swords (striders, gimlis axe, saruman's staff, sting)..the HUGE middle earth map that was available for download here, and one of these gollums:
some dude on rebelscum(sirtristam ?) has i think everything, all in one room in his house, wait til you see all his stuff...
Basically, I've got most of the UC stuff. All the items that I NEEDED to have, anyways.

The UC items I have:

Saruman's staff
Gandalf the White's staff
Glamdring with scabbard
Strider's Ranger sword with scabbard
Anduril (regular) with scabbard
Narsil (also takes the Anduril scabbard, which is nice)
Shards of Narsil
Legolas' Fighting knives (aka the White Knives)
Witchking's Sword
Ringraith's Sword
Boromir's Sword
Gimli's Walking Axe

I also have a non-licensed Witchking knife that he stabs Frodo with on Weathertop I got at http://cultofathena.com/. I'd like to have gotten a few other pieces, but I like what I've got. At some point I want to add to this collection with a bit of armor. Sauron's prologue armor has always been my favorite.:love
All I have is a custom-framed Asavage map, a knock-off Anduril, the light-up Sting, a one ring and the finger of Sauron, sculpted by one of our members.

I have:

Strider's Elven Knife
Gimli's battle axe
Helm of Sauron
Gauntlet of Sauron
Saruman Staff
Gandalf Staff
Fighting Knives of Legolas

Noble Collection:
Phial of Galadriel

Ringwraith bust
Mouth of Sauron bust
Witchking statue
Sauron statue
Gandalf statue
Minas Tirith mini environment
Argonath Bookends
Meeting of Old Friends bookends

And lastly - things I had and gotten rid of (foolishly on my part - long story if you dont know it) and amcurrently trying to get back:

Boromir sword
Strider's Ranger sword
Witchking sword


And still on the hunt for my holy grail - the NC Staff of Gandalf the Grey...
I have:

Strider's Elven Knife
Gimli's battle axe
Helm of Sauron
Gauntlet of Sauron
Saruman Staff
Gandalf Staff
Fighting Knives of Legolas

Noble Collection:
Phial of Galadriel

Ringwraith bust
Mouth of Sauron bust
Witchking statue
Sauron statue
Gandalf statue
Minas Tirith mini environment
Argonath Bookends
Meeting of Old Friends bookends

And lastly - things I had and gotten rid of (foolishly on my part - long story if you dont know it) and amcurrently trying to get back:

Boromir sword
Strider's Ranger sword
Witchking sword


And still on the hunt for my holy grail - the NC Staff of Gandalf the Grey...

Would love to see pics!

Is the Mouth of Sauron a miniature bust?
I dont want to have anything of that lotr thing... Thats impossible, so I decide to get only some things that I like...

At the moment Im working on my legolas costume, and I only need to finish the quiver, and I need boots. But at all the costume is finished so far.

Then Ive got the one ring of course, some maps of all areas in middle earth, elvish map of the misty mountains and some other stuff... But I want to get Sting and some maps, isildurs scroll and the red book of westmarch. And then its enough for lotr. I try to get stuff from all of my favorite movies but if someone decide to collect all the stuff drom lotr.... then Good luck... :)

I decide to make only this one costume, because I like the character. I think about to make a Hobbit or a gandalf the grey costume, but will finish other projects first, and after 1 1/2 years and over 1300US$ for all the parts, weapons and stuff I need, I will go on with one-piece props. You get it or build it, you finished it... :)
I have a lot of swords. Unfortunetly they are packed away at the moment.
But here is a pic at the start of my collection. I started collecting them in 2004 I within 3 weeks after starting this is what I had.

Big Kenny - there he is! I was hoping you'd chime in! ;)

Hey I scored a Narsil for $60 ($40 + $20 S&H) so may be burning out my Dremel sooner than I thought!
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Here is my Detlof LOTR display that contains the following:

UC Museum Collection Sting
UC Sting Scabbard
Jens Hansen One Ring
Jens Hansen One Ring Chain
The Red Book of Westmarch
Thror's Map
Elven Fellowship Brooch
Bilbo's Inkwell
Bilbo's Quill Pen
Frodo's Quill Pen
Sam's Quill Pen
Assorted Hobbit style stuff


I also have (working on larger displays for some of this stuff):

UC Museum Collection Glamdring
UC Blue Glamdring Scabbard
UC White Glamdring Scabbard
UC Shards of Narsil
UC Anduril
UC Anduril Scabbard
UC Gimli's Helm
UC Gimli's Walking Axe
UC Gimli's Battle Axe
UC Sword of Strider
UC Strider Scabbard w/knife
UC Strider's Elven Knife
UC Staff of Gandalf The White
UC Second Age Gondorian Shield & Banner
MR The One Ring of Sauron LE (severed finger with FX ring)
MR FX Sting
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For swords I have:

Shards of Narsil
Limited Edition Anduril
Sword of the WK
Ring Wraith Sword
Striders Sword
MR FX Sting

I have the Noble Collections One Ring and also the MR Sauron finger.

Have a bunch of SideShow busts and statues, too many to type, but my favorite is the Ringwraith on Steed.

Also have the full size Sauron and WK helmets.

But, my best LOTR prop has to be this....


Love to scare the heck outta people with that. When I am not wearing it, (which is usually just on halloween) its on display in my living room on a mannequin
Darth- Is that Witchking costume/armor from Kropserkel?

I love the work they've done with the Raiths.:love
I hope to get some of their armor someday. I hope they can get around to doing Sauron's armor too...
Darth- Is that Witchking costume/armor from Kropserkel?

I love the work they've done with the Raiths.:love
I hope to get some of their armor someday. I hope they can get around to doing Sauron's armor too...

Yes it is. I also have the wraith costume ftom them also. Forgot to mention that one.

Forgive the background being my aunts living room. :lol

I've just got my Aragorn stuff, which was up for sale recently but didn't go: Stansborough Wool Fellowship Cloak, licensed Legendary Heroes duster (I modified it to be a bit more accurate), knockoff Strider sword/UC scabbord, UC hunting knife, NC Evenstar Pendant, NC Leaf clasp, Kropserkel gauntlets, Boots by the guy in New Zealand who did 'em for Viggo! Here are some pics:








