In related news, David Prowse jumps off bridge in frustration.
Not THAT is freakin' funny.
In related news, David Prowse jumps off bridge in frustration.
I can appreciate this but with that much money, it will continue to gain interest therefore more money for charity in the end.
I think this will quickly turn into a Lucas and the prequel bashing thread. You just can't have the name Lucas in a thread on the RPF without everyone complaining about he's the devil that raped their childhoods.
yeah hes like Im keeping the orignal trilogy but Im going to give the prequels to charity, it will be a great tax deductions and these fools will think i gave half my fortune to charity, instead I unloaded 3 movies---poop, pee and puke=prequels and kept the good stuff. let those peasants eat cake(prequels)
In related news, David Prowse jumps off bridge in frustration.
Nah, any force he sent to the forest would be easily overthrown in short order by the indigenous life forms.I'd like to see him buy up a significant percentage of the Amazon (or similar) rain forest, plus fund an entity to police it, to protect if from deforestation.
It's incredible that those people give a vast sum of money away and people here complain that they do it.
Actually come to think of it, some people here just oppose everything for the sake of it.
They're giving money to charity. It is a good thing.