Made007 Custom Suit Wip, Prcc 2013 Pics On Last Page

Looks cool!
Especially the bio.
Would be great if your Predator would move more into the African tribe direction.
How about a turtle-shell as shoulder-armor?

After may 25 i will begin the silverback predator with story and everything, sounds cool, lets see what route i decide to take in the end
Damn Jose looking awesome. Love it. That is a suit to be proud of. Congratz to you.... 

...oh, and I like the idea of a close combat pred. Heading to direction myslef lol
Double H said:
Damn Jose looking awesome. Love it. That is a suit to be proud of. Congratz to you.... 
...oh, and I like the idea of a close combat pred. Heading to direction myslef lol

Im gonna sculpt my backpack and cannon after the pr comic con, but i want something different low profile too, idk yet
Then im gonna sculpt my own armor and skins for the next prcc, lets see what happens
Dude this build looks great. I have one critique. I think he should be dirtied up a bit. He looks very clean. I think he needs some battle on him. Nice nice work.
I'm really liking the way this has turned out Jose (even without a cannon :p).  So how does it feel to finally have a completed suit?  I couldn't get the grin off my face for a week after I finished mine!  

wonko said:
I'm really liking the way this has turned out Jose (even without a cannon :p).  So how does it feel to finally have a completed suit?  I couldn't get the grin off my face for a week after I finished mine!  
May 25 is close and im very nervous i dont know man, i feel kind of weird
I know the feeling Jose.  Our contest here is June 1st and for some silly reason I nervous too.  It's not like anyone is gonna know who I am...

alphatech686 said:
Jose, this is looking incredible. I like where the toggle is on the glove. I would say it works well there.
Its a lil hard to operate but after this con ill modify the aluminum piece for a fiberglass one with the contours of my hands
wonko said:
I know the feeling Jose.  Our contest here is June 1st and for some silly reason I nervous too.  It's not like anyone is gonna know who I am...
Be sure to take a lots of pics and share, i like to see :)
Hey Dude did I miss some pictures or what? I don't remember seeing any of the toggle mechanism. Post em up dude. I don't think we vcan have to many pictures on post.
Wow Jose, the suit looks awesome!!  I havent been on in a while and I missed out.  Great work man!  Congrats on such a gorgeous pred!
made007 said:

Im gonna sculpt my backpack and cannon after the pr comic con, but i want something different low profile too, idk yet
Then im gonna sculpt my own armor and skins for the next prcc, lets see what happens
Funny enough, I am doing the same... great mind matey
Prcc 2013










With my brother





With predatorhex


Hunterslair pr

I had a great time, this was saturday may 25, 26, the second day i didnt suit up because my right arm was dead, the blade gaunt was too heavy, today i still cant lift it full, and the switch bracket needs to be fixed too, my thumb hurst too, but aside that, everything went as planned