Marty McFly's Skateboard - Valterra Splatter Deck Conversion

The wheels. Unfortunately, contrary to your assumption that Madrid still has the Fly Wheel molds, they do not. If it were that easy, we would have done it. Madrid had to make more wheels for this run of McFly boards. We would absolutely have prefered vintage style FLY wheels, but the molds just don't exist. Madrid wishes they were still around too. Your suggestion that Madrid is just pawning off 'dead stock' is also not correct. There were some wheels left over from the 2010 boards, and they probably did take them off their web store because our boards were going into production. But, the new run of wheels are exactly the same as the old run. They're the same size, shape and color as the original wheels and produced by Madrid. The only difference is the recessed logo vs. printed to appear recessed logo. It's a bummer for us too. I have two full sets of vintage FLY wheels, neither are the right color. Same boat.
I'm curious if there's any possibility of Madrid just making a fresh mold? There have been massive advancements in 3D scanning/printing technology in recent years that could potentially help them reproduce a new mold quite accurately to the original using one good example of a vintage Fly wheel for reference.

That would be absolutely incredible, especially with Tracker Trucks still manufacturing the ExTrack in their "Classic" line!
Word on the street is that Madrid is planning another run of the Valterra boards for the 40th Anniversary in 2025!
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I'm curious if there's any possibility of Madrid just making a fresh mold? There have been massive advancements in 3D scanning/printing technology in recent years that could potentially help them reproduce a new mold quite accurately to the original using one good example of a vintage Fly wheel for reference.

That would be absolutely incredible, especially with Tracker Trucks still manufacturing the ExTrack in their "Classic" line!
Word on the street is that Madrid is planning another run of the Valterra boards for the 40th Anniversary in 2025!
Wheels can be purchased from Madrid skateboarding. It’s what I did. I ending up painting most of the board myself because the stickers I made weren’t staying on. Madrid even sent me a discount axel guard white plastic. And they threw in a vintage sticker as well


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Wheels can be purchased from Madrid skateboarding. It’s what I did. I ending up painting most of the board myself because the stickers I made weren’t staying on. Madrid even sent me a discount axel guard white plastic. And they threw in a vintage sticker as well
Looking very good(y)(y)
Looking very good(y)(y)
Thanks I’ll have to take more pics. But basically I bought a blank deck, painted it and slapped my own stickers. The heat peeled them so I was able to use what was left as a stencil for both sides then I varnished it and sealed it.
Wheels can be purchased from Madrid skateboarding. It’s what I did.
That's great and all, but those are the the modern Reissue Madrid Fly wheels with printed lettering, I already own 3 sets of those.
I'm referring to the screen accurate Vintage style Madrid Fly wheels with the lettering molded into the urethane!


As you can clearly see, this is what was used on the original prop.

It would be absolutely amazing for Madrid to remake a new mold for these Vintage style Fly Wheels.
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can anyone tell me how close are the 2019 replica decks made by Madrid to the original board in bttf ?

Close enough in my book.;)

They are actually very close! The 2019 Reissues are replicated as accurately as humanly possible, they literally traced the original screen used prop to create a whole new board jig specifically for the McFly deck! They even adjusted the wheel well grooves to match the original.
We completely redid the splatter pattern so it would be as accurate as possible, including matching all the colors even better. Madrid made a new board jig using the actual screen used board. The wheel well grooves were corrected based on the screen used board. The shape and placement of the grip tape and decals was updated using the screen used board. Every single Madrid decal was completely redesigned using original vintage decals, and all the colors were matched. Plus - we found the original screen used board and then agonized over making the best, most accurate production boards possible for everyone who wanted one.
After taking an interest in the BTTF skateboards recently, I started digging a little deeper into the screen used boards, collecting pictures and trying to figure out their current whereabouts. Most information can be found in this very thread but I decided to compile it all in one place for anyone else who might be looking for reference pics in the future.

There were evidently 4 boards, three are known of as of today. Madrid Skateboards has one and Valterra has another. No idea on the other two.

First we have photos with Eric Stoltz and Bob Schmeltzer. Stoltz is holding the "hero A" board. The other one evidently hasn't turned up anywhere.



Hero "A" board. This is the board MJF is holding in the opening scene (the one that hits the plutonium case) and the one MJF is riding behind the jeep. Valterra owns this one. The first pic is from their website.
Comparing it to the Stoltz pics, you can see on the closeup of the rear trucks that it appears to have had the trucks replaced at some point. In the Stoltz pics, the baseplate from the rear truck almost touches the circular Madrid sticker, but in the current closeup, you can see a ghost outline of where bigger trucks used to be.






Hero "C" board. Used by production, but according to user "knightlife", unknown if it actually got any screen time. The front grip tape is cut differently, and the placement of all the decals is different. Madrid owns this one.





Jerry Madrid has brought the hero "C" board out a few times recently and it seems to have lost the circular Madrid sticker by the back trucks. He even appears to be discussing the sticker in one instagram video but the video cuts in mid sentence so I cannot decipher what was being said.


Movie screenshot reference pics:




Deleted scene. Completely different sticker layout.


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Great info/pics of that iconic board:cool::cool:(y)(y):love::love:
Agreed!, here's a few more pics of the 'C' board that The Bones Brigade Audio Show posted to their instagram when they had Jerry Madrid on the show. I pulled the fullsize images from instagram's servers so anyone can download them here.


Also thought I should repost this photo of Jerry Madrid & Joe Walser with the 'C' Board from 2015, nearly 10 years ago now and the circular Stamp Sticker above the rear truck was already missing back then.
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I wanted to add this photo of the 'A' Board that RV Dealer News posted on their website when they did a story on the Valterra company, it's origins and their connection to the Skateboard industry; Coolest Wheels in the Industry! - RV Dealer News

And here is a collage I put together of the Top & Bottom of the 'A' Board. It's better resolution than that other one from the Valterra website with the nose & tail cropped out.

I also thought I should repost this closeup of the screen used Explosion Sticker on the 'A' Board as it's a great reference for sticker placement.


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So I read all the messages on this forum, probably people who have vector splatter files don't look here anymore. Like most on this forum, I plan to make a replica, not perfect because I plan to ride it. A few months ago I "dressed up" my skateboard to look like Madrid Valterra from BTTF. It was not planned to last long. As the 40th anniversary is approaching I decided that I will make a replica of better quality. I'm looking for help on this forum, people who could help me with the vector file and the exact dimensions of the copers. I thought whether not to order the copers and wheels directly from the website but I am from Poland and the cost for shipping exceeded my budget.
If there is someone I could talk to and ask some questions about the skateboard, let me write back or write a private message (I do not know if there is such an option here)
Thank you in advance for your help!

~One of many fans of BTFF

(I'll attach a photo of my skateboard "dressed up" as a Valterra skateboard)


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