Mass Effect N7 Breather Helmet

I love mass effect and I've played both games several dozen times. I'll probably take several "sick" days once the 3rd comes out.]

What a coincidence, I'll be, uhh, 'sick' at the same time as you! :lol


That is a thing of beauty. Can't wait to see it complete.
Sorry for being impatient but I feel as giddy as a 13 year old girl waiting for a Justin Beiber concert.
Any updates on this beauty?
I was sad to read you had restarted the project, but after seeing your new version, I'm blown away. What an awesome build!
I was sad at first to see you scrap the one you so painstakingly carved... But then I remember, hey! Computers can do it better anyways, right??
Yeah, no.
But your milled version is pretty awesome anyways! Great job!

Finished up the mold today and got my first pull out of it. Looks like the seam misaligned when I made the first pour, but other than that a couple thin spots I'd say it came out alright.

As much as I dislike Onyx resin, this stuff does polish up pretty well. Give me an hour with a sheet of 1000 grit and you'll be able to see your reflection in this bucket.

Extra points if you catch the reference. :D

That thing is pretty! Now I can't wait to see it painted.

And the Captain Ike thing, is that what Ike Turner said after he beat Tina?
Finally starting to get some paint on this guy. I also added a couple styrene bits around the mouth and cheek for LED lighting purposes. The first (and abandoned) N7 helmet is to the left. RIP lil' buddy.

Probably not. The N7 suit has been done a 1000 times by 1000 great costumers.

I am, however, working on a collector suit. :D