maybe an original Johnnie Walker Blade Runner bottle from 1982?

Funky Jedi had it mostly right in that there are few facts that are known about the original "bottle". Here is the little bit that I know:
I did once see the drawing that was given to R.S. of the bottle by a prop guy who new of it from the Annie shoot because he had worked on Annie and it was filmed just prior to Blade Runner on the same lot. It was a quick outline drawing of the bottle and Ridley put the words "OK" at the top of it with his signature below.
Yes- you can see the plastic version of the bottle in Annie used by Carol Burnette and a little girl using it as a microphone to sing in to but few people realize that if you watch the movie to the end you will see the little girl use the bottle AGAIN and this time when she's finished with it she drops it to the floor and someone took the time to record the sound of the PLASTIC Bottle hitting the floor.

No one has ever determined positively if any of the bottles used is Glass but it is supposed by a few (myself included) that the bottles used in the initial shake down scene with Bryant and the bottle Deckard picks up from the piano in the picture scanning scene are perhaps glass but certainly "Hero" bottles of a finer make than the rest.

In the shot of Rachel sitting at Deckard's Dinning Room Table you can see what appears to be another size of the same Whiskey bottle sitting near one of the regular sized bottles. I have supposed that this is simply a good example of R.S.'s obsession with detail in that there were three sizes of Tsin-Tao Bottle made (fact) and there are three sizes of the Mystery Bottle which is seen in various locations around Deckard's Apartment (fact). Why wouldn't there be other sizes of the Whiskey Bottle seen? (side note= I call it "TSIN-Tao" because that's the way it is spelled in the subtitles of the movie. Looking into it a bit further you find that the word "Tsing" has no meaning while "Tsin-Tao" roughly translates to "Golden Dynasty".) It's still funny to me that there was a whole faction of people who assumed that because it sounds like Deckard says "Tsing-Tao" that he is in fact ordering a bottle of beer NOT hard alcohol even though he later drinks it from a very well known shot glass!

If you watch closely during the scene where Zora runs from her dressing room you can see and hear a bunch of the same (plastic) whiskey bottles getting knocked over and hitting the floor.
There is other minutia I could site but I've probably bored you all to death as it is. One last story which comes from an unknown set worker has always nagged at the back of my mind. It tells of an obsessive director going around the set and piling up props that he was determined to keep from appearing in other non-related films and setting them on fire. Not the best way to get rid of a glass bottle but it would certainly do the trick for a plastic one. If there are ANY glass bottles from the movie? I would suppose they reside permanently in R.S.'s private stores.
Lastly: the bottle shown at top is NOT one of mine. (But the labels appear to be) I still have label sets left over and they were described by experts as being "Of a quality that far surpasses the real thing."

Here's a pic that was taken at the end of the 2007-2008 bottle run. Drink some for me Pals!

I purchased a replica bottle a few years ago on Ebay from a guy in Italy. I can't remember how much I paid. When mine arrived I found that not only did it not stand up straight, but there was a seam at the very top of the bottle. so when I put the lid on it sat wonky. I carefully sanded them with various grits of emery for ages till the top went on properly and the bottle stood straight. Other than that the actual quality of the glass was really good. I filled it with generic whisky for display and it has never leaked.


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I purchased a replica bottle a few years ago on Ebay from a guy in Italy. I can't remember how much I paid. When mine arrived I found that not only did it not stand up straight, but there was a seam at the very top of the bottle. so when I put the lid on it sat wonky. I carefully sanded them with various grits of emery for ages till the top went on properly and the bottle stood straight. Other than that the actual quality of the glass was really good. I filled it with generic whisky for display and it has never leaked.
I’d have to see a close up of the label to tell if it’s one of mine or not but I can say this about the Italians:
I submitted my bottle CAD to the leading bottle maker of Italy when I was searching for the company who would do the run for me.
I also submitted it to a company in France, England, Spain, Mexico, a few in the US and finally China.
Out of all of those Italy was the only maker to ghost me and then produce their own BR Bottle a year or two later. Coincidence? I think not.
As I recall their bottles were thick crystal and started at $400 apiece.
I’d have to see a close up of the label to tell if it’s one of mine or not but I can say this about the Italians:
I submitted my bottle CAD to the leading bottle maker of Italy when I was searching for the company who would do the run for me.
I also submitted it to a company in France, England, Spain, Mexico, a few in the US and finally China.
Out of all of those Italy was the only maker to ghost me and then produce their own BR Bottle a year or two later. Coincidence? I think not.
As I recall their bottles were thick crystal and started at $400 apiece.
The guy who sold it to me didn't have labels but he pointed me in the direction of someone who was selling the labels on Ebay. So if I remember rightly I got the bottle off of him and the labels off of someone else. It was a while ago so not 100% sure.
We haven't heard from Serednab about his research into producing his bottle...yet. Was Paul's design copied/enhanced/transformed?
It seems like the first design (Paul or Once-bitten on Propsummit were you can research the whole process) was closer to the original prop.
Serednab is taller and bigger (not by much) than the original;)
Just thought I'd mention I see a plastic Johnnie Walker Blade Runner bottle on eBay right now.

I won't link to it as I think that's against the rules but if you search for item 294856255893 with description Blade Runner Nieseki Johnnie Walker Plastic Bottle Rare Rare Blaster you'll find this.

Check out the plastic stopper!

Mmmh...this seems like a Japanese bottle done by one of our member at Propsummit:unsure: I don't know if he's a member here.
Some bottles were made as 1/6 scale and were solid plastic. I don't think anybody did a 1:1 repro of that bottle in transparent plastic.
I might be completely wrong about that one, but it seems to be a small scale prop( looking at the fabric and the size of the bottle).
That cap is also bizarre.
That looks like the plastic reproduction of about 5-6 years ago, originally made by the late NYzeki. He made some then after he died the project was taken on by his old friend Mr Maki. If I remember right they were offered at about $50.00 plus shipping from (I think) Hobbylink Japan, which seemed prettry good for a plastic copy but I'm not sure how many were made before the whole project fizzled out.
I have one of the Nyzeki bottles. The images from eBay appear to be the same kit. The cap was two plastic pieces with a cork that had to be epoxied in place.