MG81 flash-hider(s)

I agree, there are many approaches of how to create a prop.

While I generally agree that you can´t beat a prop made with real parts, I prefer the "look" over the authenticy.
Check out my WIP Han ANH blaster and judge yourself...replacing or not replacing DEC´s flashhider?


I guess I´ll just put my real MG81 muzzle on for a try ;)
Will post pics then :thumbsup
I will gladly test it out for you on mine. Or even make sure you profit han solo style from selling it to me. ^_^
That's just awful. That needs a complete rebuild. To be safe you should send it to me for proper disposal. :lol ;)

That's one of, if not the best ANH Solo blaster I've seen.
...That's one of, if not the best ANH Solo blaster I've seen.

Thanks Jason, very kind words :)

I also appreciate all your selfless offers, to take this piece of junk off my hands and even offer financial compensation ;)
But no, won´t part with it unless I find a better specimen to upgrade. THEN we can talk about going "Han Solo style" :cool

Fantastic find with the flash hider, but that Blaster looks absolutley amazing (probably the nicest I've seen)

You've nailed the look perfectly

Not sure it can be improved even with an original Flash hider :)
Totally forgot about this, sorry guys

I DID try to put it on my blaster, but just like with the Hensoldt scopes there seem to be quite a few variations.
In my case the booster cone of the bull barrel didn´t fit properly.
I tried to reduce the O.D. and added a sligthly larger radius at the front edge, but it still didn´t slid all the way in.

looked cool, but I prefer my DEC muzzle.

Forgot to say, that the cone section of the muzzle slightly tapers! So the wall thickness at the base is about 50% bigger than at the front section.

I can not spot any dimensional differences between the screen-used flash hider and the good one that you have.
Are there any dimensional differences between the two that you have, Markus? (Differences that can not be attributed to one of them having rusted more, that is.. ;) )

I have not heard of that many real ones having been found.
Other than those matching yours, what full boosters with flash hiders have there been? Collectors telling you in private about them and not posting here? ;)
There have also been lots of boosters without any cone, ending in just a hole, and those I have seen have been shorter than the booster section on the full booster/hider.

I knew about the tapering wall-thickness since the first one was acquired by a fan back in 2005.
The plain "band" on the screenused flashhider is recessed
The plain band on my flashhider is flush/ even with the knurled section

Considering that the DEC fh is accurate to the external dimensions of the prop, the cone section on my fh is slightly shorter, giving it a smaller O.D. at the front.

Can´t comment about the internal differences, but the DEC booster/ connector does not properly fit into my real hider.

Plan to post some side by side comparsions, when I find the time ;)

It is very hard to see in your pics that the plain band is flush with the knurled section... :)

Actually, I think that the plain band on the DEC flash hider is a bit too recessed compared to the real prop.
It is very hard to see in your pics that the plain band is flush with the knurled section... :)

Actually, I think that the plain band on the DEC flash hider is a bit too recessed compared to the real prop.

Here´s the picture of the pre-pro hero prop for comparsion:





  • ANH_realhero_right.jpg
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wow... cool details man. Thanks for the info.

Definitely want to see side by sides.

So, what's preventing the DEC booster from working?

by the way... here's the prop pics color and highlight corrected (open images in new tab/window to see full size):


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That's interesting it may only be me but it looks like the cross bar does not sit parallel across the Mauser - I hadn't noticed that before.
Great blaster built and awesome find on the hider. My congratulation.

- - - Updated - - -

I still have no idea where to get parts like these in germany....
Here are the promised comparsion pics between the DEC and my real flashhider.
The last pic shows, that the holes of the booster does not line up with the fh due to internal design differences between the real and replica fh , so I can´t put it on properly on my Han ANH

From just the pic it looks like you could drill an alternate hole in the DE booster to make it work...???

if not just send the worthless hunk of scrap to me to dispose of properly for you. ;)

Those comparison pictures are priceless. Thanks for sharing them. And congratulations on scoring such a rare piece.

After staring and staring at these pics... it's like you said... variations in manufacture for sure.

The DE FH seems to be more spot on with the actual prop variation. The real one you have is just slightly shorter from the rounded edge forward.

The DE FH is based from a real one's measurements isn't it????????