Mid Century Spaceman Costume (Planning Stages)...

Those look great! If only we had the physique like that and what we had once upon a time when when we were younger men. :lol
Actually, it was a bottle of Laphroaig Scotch that we had toasted to our departed WWII fathers for Memorial Day.

I must add that I'm very proud of the wives of this crew that volunteered to put my vision of this custume together!
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The plan is to use common black combat boots with the legs bloused. It would have been something used in an old sci-fi movie.
Apologies for the thread necromancy... I stumbled across this thread during a google search about costumes such as what is being discussed here, and I was wondering what was used to make the above belt?

Apologies for the thread necromancy... I stumbled across this thread during a google search about costumes such as what is being discussed here, and I was wondering what was used to make the above belt?


The belt was made out of an EVA foam shop mat I had found at Sears. At first I had no idea how to do this, so I have to give a nod of credit to all the foam armor builders on this forum for the inspiration.
This is such a great costume. Really amazing work. Also apologies for thread necromancy, but something this cool should be applauded.