Suggestion Movie rating system for the E n M forum?

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Master Member
I am sometimes quite behind with watching the latest movies or popular movies, so I visit threads about those movies if those are not really spoiler filled.

When I look at the controversy that is going on in the GB thread and in the many many TFA threads I begin to wonder if a rating system for movies might help to get a better impression of how a movie is received by this particular demographic known as "the RPF crowd". The TFA discussions in particular got kind of "nasty" in a way that has not been seen outside of now almost vintage Vader or Stormtrooper discussions. And it would probably help prevent the creation of threads with titles like "Am I the only one who did not like/hated ..." ;) Because people would stop arguing that Rotten Tomatos, AICN, Dark Horizons or whatever other platform may not show a correct image of the movie audience´s actual opinion about a particular movie.
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