Again, Keep in mind this was NOT scanned from the ESB Hero that is seen at AOSW. The ESB Hero at AoSW is the helmet that is attributed with having flare. However, I believe the flare is only a SLIGHT difference and it has been blown WAY out of proportion over the years until people have a vision in their head of the jedi helmet being squished and pinched while the ESB is almsot bell shaped. This simply is not a reality. While the PP3 is painted like the ESB Hero, the shape is slightly different. There is some evidence that the ESB Hero seen at AoSW took some servere damage and was repaired in both the back and front, unintentionally giving it a SLIGHT amount more flare than the typical Fett helmet. Let me say that again... the ESB is NOT typical. It is the oddball, not the other way around.