Mr. Lucas spins it on Jon Stewart.

i like Willow too. i saw Howard the Duck once, many years ago, and all i remember is that he came from space and did the nasty with a human brunette.
as for the prequels: they're not really bad movies in and of themselves, but when put side-by-side with the originals it's hard to honestly say they don't kinda suck.

I'd dispute that. I mean, I think they're weak films in and of themselves which COULD have been made to work as their own thing, but couldn't be made to fit with the OT. But that's generally beside the point. In terms of Lucas apologizing for disappointing fans or admitting " vision sucked", I wouldn't hold my breath. Hell, Coppola STILL loves his daughter in Godfather III and, while she isn't quite as abysmally bad as the reviews make her out to be, she's clearly NOT an actress and the film does suffer for it. But he still maintains that it was people trying to attack HIM through his kid, and that he doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks, he loves watching the third film as if it's a home movie. True story. Straight of the Part III DVD commentary track.

People have an uncanny ability to shield themselves from the absolute worst criticism.
..or perhaps they simply have no respect for opinions from people that have zero experience actually IN the film business. You know like a bunch of fanboy keyboard cowboys with their own "vision" of what the prequel "should" have been.

I'll take Lucas' vision any day, over that.
Well, knock yourself out, dude. Although it's not just the "keyboard cowboys" who think the prequels suck ass, though.

By the way, I don't need to be the Sous Chef at Le Cordon Bleu to know when my food tastes like ****.

"Over? Did you say 'over'? NOTHING is over until WE DECIDE IT IS!! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?! Hell no!!"
..or perhaps they simply have no respect for opinions from people that have zero experience actually IN the film business. You know like a bunch of fanboy keyboard cowboys with their own "vision" of what the prequel "should" have been.

I'll take Lucas' vision any day, over that.

i never had any vision of "what the prequels should have been." i was only 12 when The Phantom Menace was released, and the first i heard of new STAR WARS movies was the teaser for it(we were still on dial up in those days, and i'd never even heard of a message board).
i actually like the prequels for the most part, though there are a few very cringe-worthy moments(we all know what they are, so let's leave it be).
I was eight when Star Wars was re-released into US theaters, so his effort to respark a new generation of fans was a complete success with many in my age demographic. I couldn't have been more excited, or more in love with the story. Definitely one of the most significant film experiences of my life.

I'll always like George for giving me that experience:cheers
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