My 2nd 1:1 Headsculpt ... the Idealistic Farmboy

<div class='quotetop'>(kropserkel @ Jul 25 2006, 06:55 PM) [snapback]1287479[/snapback]</div>
Amazing likeness, and we've seen some great sculpts on this board.
Outstanding work. You've even captured minute details of Hamill's pre car accident
skin. You must have had some great reference material to pull this off.

Great job.

Thanks a lot Kropserkel ... in fact I only had the same pics everybody can find on the
web, and I made a lot of Screencaps from ANH myself ... I wish I have had better
and sharper refference pics :lol

Thanks for all the super sweet comments - I can't believe it ... :$
<div class='quotetop'>(cking @ Jul 25 2006, 09:24 PM) [snapback]1287601[/snapback]</div>
My only criticism is the hair. It's the same problem that occurred on the bust that myself and Vos commissioned a few years ago. No matter what you do, the bust just won't look as real as it deserves to if you use the stylised technique for the hair. My advice would be to make him bald and use a real wig on it. With a good paintjob, some glass eyes and a real wig, this work of art would look JUST like Hamill did back then.



Thanks a lot Chris :)
Whoah...that is very NICE.

Now I am waiting for a chance to get a casting of Ben AND Luke..... If you have a list....PUT ME DOWN..
SWEET *****... :eek

that is friggin amazing......I can't WAIT to see this one painted up and put on display.
Do you have any "how-to" or "in development" pictures of this as you were creating it. As a (very.) begining sculptur with no training at all I am seriously in awe and would love to learn anything I can. Any tips?.
<div class='quotetop'>(vadermania @ Jul 31 2006, 09:15 AM) [snapback]1291062[/snapback]</div>
Absoluter Kracher, Jesper. There's a lot of work waiting for you... :p

answer with a song : wella wella wella wella - tell me more tell me more tell me more .... :lol :lol :lol

... call me Tom - ;)
<div class='quotetop'>(JRX @ Jul 25 2006, 04:24 AM) [snapback]1287209[/snapback]</div>
Post edited - pics taken down - sorry :(

That's ok, I'm sure MANY PEOPLE have copies of the photos and just sit and stare at them wondering why someone had to be so mean to you.
I for one have all of them and still think you should continue making these sculpts and posting pictures even if you are not going to offer them to anyone.

Did I miss something? Why were the pics taken down? This was an awesome sculpt.
<div class='quotetop'>(juno @ Aug 26 2006, 09:03 PM) [snapback]1307537[/snapback]</div>
Did I miss something? Why were the pics taken down? This was an awesome sculpt.
The short version is that someone decided to pull a prank on JRX concerning his sculpts, claiming to be official LFL, threatening to shut him down if he ever tried selling.

It was decided by JRX to pull the pictures.

That's how one prankster ruins the fun for all.
This opens up a whole new theory as to if Mark H was truly in a car crash between ANH and ESB or - was Lucas simply enforcing the rights he had to Mark's face.

Great sculpt BTW.
This is truly an awesome creation as is your Obi-wan. It is sad that someone has chosen to attack you and your work. I can speak from experience. I do know what it is like and it is still continuing to happen to me. You can't let it affect your work and your determination. I think it is still o.k. to post progress on your projects because they're your projects and this is your thread to show it off. It doesn't matter if you decide to let some of us have copies or not. It is still an awesome thing to share.