My 327th Star Corps Clone Trooper

Thanks everyone! Knowing how much hard work went into this costume, I don't blame GL for not having several dozens of real ones made.
Thanks everyone! Knowing how much hard work went into this costume, I don't blame GL for not having several dozens of real ones made.

It makes me even more mad that GL didnt emplore the help of the fans...

Had he let the 501st in on the new design and let em have at it... free happy walk ons beats EXPENSIVE TIME CONSUMING CGI.

They coulda at least had a few real suits for close ups. Thats the only time you can really tell, well and when the clones take there helmets off.... :sick
I do agree that there should have been people in suits for close ups. But, calling CG time comsuming over making actual armor is a little more than harsh. It probably took a modeler maybe a week at most to model the base Clone. The R&D, molding, building, fitting of real armor would take way more time than that.
oops looks like my comment opened a can of worms, back on track, Fantastic Armour, you did a really great job!!! :thumbsup
Do you know how much time it takes to make a 5 second full CGI clip? Alot.

My point was that if given a few years and put in the hands of hundreds or even thousands of armor makers...

One prop guy doing all the work... yeah that would be a pain, I was saying, (huge what if) that if GL wouldve entrusted the task to the 501st he not only woulda made alot of fans happy he would have gotten some happily given cheap to free labor! :love

Again HUGE what if! :angel

I do agree that there should have been people in suits for close ups. But, calling CG time comsuming over making actual armor is a little more than harsh. It probably took a modeler maybe a week at most to model the base Clone. The R&D, molding, building, fitting of real armor would take way more time than that.

And dont worry about it Cody! Just a little fun discussion!

But seriously back on topic. Thats one of if not the best clones I have ever seen. And Ive seen many really great clonetrooper costumes, but this one really captures the screen look. The colors the weathering everything.

So again, great job! ;)
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Do I really need to comment on this??? I see this guy all the time:rolleyes The suit ROCKS!! But you need to see his twin:cool