My Batman Begins/Bale bust ***FINAL SCULPT PICS***

All done, give me some honest opinions :angry . Bill


I actually don't like that cowl too much.
As far as the face goes, I think you just need to study your Bale references a lot more. :)
I think it'll look good as an overall display piece though.
It looks ok and does "kind of" look like Bale. Cowl looks a bit cheap to me.

Here you go:

Just looking at the refernce pics, Bale seems to be very non-descript. He doesn't seem to have any distinguishing features that make him stand out. Some people have a very distinct look. Their face has character. Bale is very "average joe white guy". He'd be police sketch artist's worst nightmare.

As far as likenesses go, the sculpture is close. I would leave it as batman, but not link it to any particular actor.

The Cowl I woulnd't worry to much about every cowl looks cheap next to Doodys and The movies. The face needs more work though. Lokks great and a non movie specific display though. :)
Originally posted by Gigatron@Jan 19 2006, 12:09 PM
Just looking at the refernce pics, Bale seems to be very non-descript.  He doesn't seem to have any distinguishing features that make him stand out.  Some people have a very distinct look.  Their face has character.  Bale is very "average joe white guy".  He'd be police sketch artist's worst nightmare.

As far as likenesses go, the sculpture is close.  I would leave it as batman, but not link it to any particular actor.


That's a pretty good summary. I was looking at the sculpt Bill did and it looks good, but I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it, even after the comparison shot. It was off a bit, but I couldn't label any mistakes.
Thanks for the input guys. I agree, the cowl is not perfect, it is one commonly found on ebay, but I tried to contact Doody for one, to no avail :( . You are right Gigatron, and Thatguy, Bales likeness is very hard to capture because he has no features that distinguish him, especially considering that you are looking at a small portion of the face. I did not want to make him look like any one particular picture. In the photo posted, he looks like he could be reading the Sunday paper, he has no expression at all. I wanted to make him look kinda pissed off, so I made him sneering a little, maybe that threw off the likeness a little. I am going to do another face and make it look as much like Bale as I can, this way I will have 2 busts to display in the cowl and I could swap them now and then to give the display a little variety. Or if I get a "doody" cowl(you getting this Bob :p ), I can put one in there. I will post more pics once I have a "definitive" Bale bust. Thanks again for the input guys :thumbsup . Bill
The more I stare at it I'm wondering if the problem is actually the eyes in that they are too big for the head. The size of the pupils and iris just seem out of scale to me. Bale does have more slanty eyes but even if you just closed the eye lids more their still wouldn't be enough white showing with the eyes your using.
I agree with everyone's Bale "Joe Anyone" assessments. In my humble AMATEUR opinion, the top lip is too thin & the bottom lip is too thick. Your previous mod in post #17 was VERY close. Very.
I admire your efforts here. Trying to make a face look right in a cowl that doesnt is not an easy thing to do.
I think that the cowl is much to thin or small. That alone is going to throw off the head or face within it.
The way I see it is this...this last face you made works with the cowl. They seem to belong together, even if it's not quite works with the cowl.:)

The only suggestion I'd make is make the upper lip a little more fuller, and the bottom lip a little less. If you look at the screen cap posted you'll see that the top and bottom lips are nearly the same thickness.

Still, continue to work on it. I however think that this new one you posted works with this cowl well.

Thanks David :thumbsup . Thanks to everyone who gave me their input. Here is my new sculpt. It still needs a little tweaking, but I think I finally got it. I know it looks a little weird without a "face" but use your imagination :p .Please give me some input...again. Let me know if I got it, or if it needs more work. Bill


The latest sculpt looks infinately more like Bale to me. The only crit I have would be that the dimple above his lip should be a bit wider and squatter, but that could just be the lack of a nose above it tricking my eye. :)