My first Captain America Civil War Suit Build: Underjacket Completed!

Chugging right along quite nicely, if I do say so myself. :D

The next step for us was to wrap Eric's torso up to draw up the pattern. Our first attempt was to use an old t-shirt wrapped up with duct tape, much like we did the underjacket. This was going fine until we ran out of duct tape and had to resort to painter's tape. The results do not deserve the right to have an upright photo.

Rubbish first attempt.jpg


So after we both simultaneously declared this result to be total rubbish and banished it post-haste to the trash can, I went out the very next morning and bought saran-wrap and duct tape to try the saran-wrap patterning method. The results were far, far superior so this is the one I think we're going to use project wise from now on.

That is a lot better!.jpg

Looks much better!

After that it was just a matter of marking out all the seam lines, starting with the chest star ALA BrutusWayne, then going from there, like so:

In the process.jpg

By the way, getting the stomach details drawn turned out to be a bit trickier than I thought it would be due to body-type differences (Clan is an endomorph while Chris Evans is a relatively rare mesomorph), but I altered the proportions a bit so it turned out alright. :D


Annnd done! I'm going to symmetrically pattern this using the left side but drew out most of both sides so I didn't feel like I was making major mistakes.

Side view.jpg

Side view! This has so many pieces to it that I'm going to make a lexicon for them to reference while I sew up the mockup and final product just so I don't forget what goes where.

Next up: Mockups! 40 days to go before showtime!
It's been a while since I posted an update on the accessories I've been making, but I've been making progress! :D I finished the boot gaiters tonight! :) Next step: the waist belt! If some of you are wondering, I decided to hold off a bit on the fingerless gloves, as it was a bit advanced for my zero sewing experience. Hope to tackle them soon!

I modified the McCall's M6975 pattern to make the gaiters, having to make them both wider and taller. I also reversed the direction of the straps, as they were going in the opposite direction that the set pictures show they are supposed to go. Didn't turn out bad for my first ever sewing project, if I do say so myself. :) OZY is out working tonight, so I wasn't able to get pictures of myself wearing the gaiters, but I hope to post them soon! Hopefully tomorrow. Found some boots at Walmart that are surprisingly close! They are Workload Huff 8s.

If any of you have a template you've successfully used for the belt, please let me know! I need all the help I can get, lol! I found a buckle at Fabricland that should work nicely, just wish it was a bit bigger.

Re: My first Captain America Civil War Suit Build: Chugging Right Along...

Sorry for lack of posting, been chugging along as convention is LESS THAN ONE MONTH AWAY AHHHH! :eek

Learned from doing the sleeves, and did a proper mockup first.


Kind of looks like some evil version of Cap, but I digress.

Top is assembled except for the raised trim around the pleather shoulder stripes. I'm concerned about the spandex underlay for the star, that it'll be too loose. If it is, I will need to rip it out and replace it with something a bit more sturdy, and I can't do that if I have pleather trim glued in place.

Top of chest without trim.jpg

The bottom embossing is going surprisingly smoothly, all things considered...


...until it got time to glue in the two under embossing strips and it started raining, that is. :facepalm

Embossing nearly complete.jpg

Once that's done and everything is topstitched, I just need to attach bottom and top, front to back, and install the zipper and it's done, hopefully by tomorrow. Then I get to tackle the back and collar and hopefully get it all done by the first week of September. *fingers crossed*
I just destroyed the weapons cache in Gulmira, or at least that's how I feel (ok, ok, I know that is an Iron Man reference but work with me here). Why? Well, just take a look for yourself. Also, behold the first pics of Clan in the suit!

Top near completion.jpg


The chest portion is doooooooone! (Well, except for the star and trim, but we're working on it) and it looks AWESOME. And lookie what I've got here?

Pant beginnings.jpg

Yep, not going too detailed in the pants this round due to lack of time, but I will be adding in a waistband and proper fly front, the red details, the cargo pockets (for phone and wallet hiding, natch) and the kneecaps. The plan is that the kneecaps are going to be made with double-layered foam hit with my heat gun, moulded into the right shape and then fabric sewn in sections and glued carefully on top of the foam with Super 77. Then the whole shindig will be glued onto the base pant in the right place. Fortunately I cut my foam-working teeth using EVA foam and heat-shaping with one Gali Nuva Bionicle cosplay back in the days before Clan, so I'm really excited to see how this works out with slightly different materials.

What is this I see? Is that light at the end of this tunnel? :D
on this build?
Edit: Is there a way to continue changing the title thread to reflect our most recent progress on this build? I did it once but for the life of me can't figure out how to do it again.

Top near completion.jpg


Pant beginnings.jpg
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Time for an update on accessories! :) Sorry, I didn't take any WIP photos this time, I was just focusing on getting things done. I made the utility belt following the template available at The Foam Cave, but edited the pattern to be longer so it extends to the total length of the belt, and instead of painting the foam, I covered it with some brown vinyl. I also made the chest star and have started work on the back harness buckle. I made both out of some sheet aluminum I had left over from the shield build. Still planning on adding some more detail to the back harness buckle, and possibly some neodymium magnets to hold the shield on my back, but we'll see. I may just use some black elastic and wear the shield like a backpack, depending on how much time I end up having, lol!

..... WOOOOOOOOOOW, how could I have completely forgotten to post end result pictures to this thread? :eek:(n) Sorry guys!

But yeah, WE MADE IT! :D:D:D

Captain America, ASSEMBLE! :D


captain turned.jpg

And, of course, this couldn't be complete without some actual pictures of the convention, now would it? :D

backpack captain.jpg


Husband and wife! Yes, that is moi as Peggy Carter (made THAT costume all myself too, except the hat!) :cool:

captain and Thor.jpg

Finally, a picture with an awesome Thor that's not super blurry or sideways! :D(y)

The next time we plan to wear these costumes will hopefully be for the premiere of Avengers: Endgame! Although it will probably need fitting, as, since my husband has last worn this costume at convention, he has lost a whopping 30+ IBs. :D I'm so proud of him!

Until our next cosplay adventure (and more on that in the near future!),

- Ozy and Clan