My First Predator Costume - Female (W.i.P)

Added buckles at the back that will attach the calf to the shoes to minimise my foot moving about. Still needs sanding before priming. 11012254_10203475960287183_1157402702_n.jpg10968128_10203475960167180_37801194_n.jpg


Started work on the chest piece. I can't go with a canon style piece because of my boobs =.= Its taken a lot of alteration to even get it to this stage. It clips up with 2 adjustable buckles on the back. The front middle section is joined together with some thin, brown leather straps (similar to what hold AvP Pred thigh armour to the leg). The two circles are placeholders for now until I work out a better design. 11016412_10203475962087228_295803182_n.jpg

The chest and belt (including the thigh plates and cod piece), sitting on my mannequin. I also added the leather straps to the thigh plates to help keep them attached to my leg. They do up with velcro on the inside of each thigh plate. I also carved in the lines at the bottom of each thigh plate. 11004219_10203475962327234_1785910429_n.jpg11020318_10203475962247232_1060703574_n.jpg


The start of under suit painting! This is my first time attempting anything like this. I started with a plain white morphsuit and had one of my friends with similar proportions to me, wear it while I painted. Pictured are first few coats/base skin colours. 11004204_10203475964447287_659515146_n.jpg 11006166_10203475965767320_1499503461_n.jpg


Closer photos of the first few coats for the under suit and also put on my netting! I was so excited to try it on :p Still have to add more muscle definition and spots. 11005539_10203475968607391_1087711267_n.jpg 11004956_10203475968527389_1647593638_n.jpg 11003983_10203475968447387_1204219982_n.jpg 11004039_10203475968487388_102762731_n.jpg 11012306_10203475968407386_1039347335_n.jpg





I forgot to post about my left (computer) gauntlet. I made the display with some balsa wood and black card. On the underside of the black card, I have attached red cellophane. Inside the gauntlet I have a motion sensor light strip which activates when the gauntlet is opened, and turns off when the lid is closed. 11015420_10203475966087328_458031126_n.jpg11005680_10203475966127329_1083314575_n.jpg11015272_10203475966167330_2226520_n.jpg11005666_10203475967007351_898578264_n.jpg




Changed the design on my chest piece and decided to add some leather cross-shoulder straps for aesthetic purposes as well as stability. 11004129_10203475971847472_781238002_n.jpg11007651_10203475971927474_239607278_n.jpg


After the 'Aluminium' pain base coats, I sprayed some matte black on top to give some more definition and make the armour look used. A comparison between the 2 gauntlets before and after the matte black. 11004219_10203475972527489_901442168_n.jpg11014690_10203475977567615_2044286038_n.jpg11007452_10203475977447612_925565738_n.jpg11015276_10203475977407611_306732304_n.jpg




Looking good. You can always lightly sponge different silvers and grays on there as well. I'd suggest a water/acrylic mix since spray paint can dry too fast. With the edge of the sponge you can get down in the platelets grooves and make each one pop a bit more. Nice work so far. :cool:
Looking good. You can always lightly sponge different silvers and grays on there as well. I'd suggest a water/acrylic mix since spray paint can dry too fast. With the edge of the sponge you can get down in the platelets grooves and make each one pop a bit more. Nice work so far. :cool:
Thanks for the advice :D These are just the first few coats. I'll be going back later to work on the finer details :)