Alrighty, a little bit of a build post - the exterior lighting.
To repeat, there is no photoshop work on the exterior bands. That's a pretty shady spot right around dusk - so they show up really well. That being said, you can still see them during the day in the shade. Full on sunlight is of course a bit hard to see, but so is real neon.
Here is how I started on that lighting system.
This is the LED Neon stuff I used. My first samples were white and I did a test rig to see how the bands and diffusion plex worked.
And out on my car before I disassembled everything.
That worked pretty well. so I picked up some better stuff in Blue. This was with the lights in the garage ON. Even in the day with the door open, this stuff will almost blind you.
I had to make all new replacement brackets using my old bracket molds and tweaking my part III boxes a bit to work with the stuff.
Here was my first mock-up of the front to see just how bright it would end up.
and a two shots once I got the rears installed.