My latest BTTF DeLorean Build

A Delorean's on my to buy list if i ever hit the lotto. Saw one for 6000 stripped down years ago, i should have gotten it.
Alrighty, a little bit of a build post - the exterior lighting.

To repeat, there is no photoshop work on the exterior bands. That's a pretty shady spot right around dusk - so they show up really well. That being said, you can still see them during the day in the shade. Full on sunlight is of course a bit hard to see, but so is real neon.

Here is how I started on that lighting system.

This is the LED Neon stuff I used. My first samples were white and I did a test rig to see how the bands and diffusion plex worked.


And out on my car before I disassembled everything.


That worked pretty well. so I picked up some better stuff in Blue. This was with the lights in the garage ON. Even in the day with the door open, this stuff will almost blind you.


I had to make all new replacement brackets using my old bracket molds and tweaking my part III boxes a bit to work with the stuff.

Here was my first mock-up of the front to see just how bright it would end up.


and a two shots once I got the rears installed.


Holy crap Gary! Those lights are amazing! I mean look at the surrounding glare cast on the ground! So cool man. So did you wire these lights to come on once the car hits 88MPH?
I want one of these so badly...ugh. One of these days....

Very excellent work. I love the new lighting system. It definitely lights it more evenly.
All good things I hope :)

Yup - absolutley...

They only had about five cars in the parade, and none were BTTF conversions. So I wasn't sure if this was a group of "purists" who might feel the BTTF convert is "sacrilege" or not.

So I was tentative. But when I brought up BTTF, they got quite enthusiastic, and when I mentioned "GW" their enthusiasm maitained. Clearly the recognized you as "the man" regarding BTTF.
That is a beautiful looking car! With the upgrade from EL to LED who wouldn't want that car in their driveway.
Gary, will you marry me? Seriously, hands down, this is the most impressive BTTF DeLorean I've ever seen. Congrats on a fantastic job.
This. Is the most amazing thing I have seen in a long time! I had no idea there was anyone who would build more than one of these things. Clearly I'm not seriously into the BTTF props, or else I would've known about you, but seriously this is just awesome news to me. There are props I dream of owning one day, then there are things of beauty like this that I would be content just to SEE! That blue LED is absolutely gorgeous.
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Now all you need to do is to add some device to generate sparks around the car while its moving!