OK, I am going to jump in on this thread. . . First, this is not Amy's fault (internally) and I do not think that it is fair that she is getting all of the grief for this issue. And trust me, Master Replicas knows how serious this problem is. We have literally spent the last week in meetings trying to determine a comprehensive plan to resolve this issue with the least amount of impact on our customers.
As we have always stated, we are going to be honest and forthcoming with our customers. This issue is more involved than any previous issues because this goes beyond QC. What has occurred might possibly have been beyond Master Replicas control.
So, here are the issues and questions that we were confronted with, and I am sure that after you understand these extenuating circumstances, you will agree that the plan that we have come up with is the best, however we understand not ideal, resolution to this.
First, this is not the first product that this vendor has made for Master Replicas, so they understand the importance of the numbering, plaques, collateral, etc.
1. Many of the helmets do not have the actual collateral envelope which includes the plaque, Certificate of Authenticity/Prop Story, warranty and other printed materials. This really threw us since it makes no sense. When we inspected the products they all had the envelope with all of the collateral, including the plaque. Our QC team in Asia documents every inspection with photos which shows the envelope. It would have been obvious if the envelope was missing. We have done a random inspection of a number of products in our warehouse in New Jersey and more than 50% of the product is missing the envelope. Therefore, it is our assumption that the collateral envelopes were removed, for some unknown reason,AFTER our inspection at the factory. This could have happened, since all the boxes would have to be resealed after inspection and, obviously, we do not think it was necessary to watch this task.
2. The shipping cartons have a numbered label on the outside which identifies the number of the plaque inside. So, if there was no plaque placed in the box, how does the factory know what label to place on the outside shipping carton?
3. We have reports that there are duplicate numbered labels on the shipping cartons. In some cases 2 people have the same numbered label on the outside of the box, one got a plaque and obviously, one did not. Then there is another case where 2 people had the same numbered label on the outside and NEITHER got a plaque.
4. We have discussed this with the management of the factory and they have no explanation for how this could have happened. When the factory was contacted, they claim that they do not have any "extra" plaques, which would be impossible. Master Replicas supplies the plaques to the factory, since it is imperative that each plaque be accounted for and that there is no duplication of numbers.
5. One of the explanations that the factory had given us is that this was the actions of some disgruntled employees. We are hoping that this is not the case since MR is very strict in selecting our manufacturing partners. Part of the qualification process is the compliance with our “Terms of Engagement” document. Master Replicas will only conduct business in a manner that reflects its values. When we identify our sourcing base in different cultures and countries, we take special care in only selecting “Business Partners” whose practices are compatible with our ethical standards and values. We define “Business Partners” as contractors and suppliers who provide labor and/or material utilized in the manufacture and finishing of our products. This understanding addresses issues such as wages and benefits, human rights, safety, child labor, etc.
Unfortunately, if this is the case (and I want to emphasize IF), MR is just as much a victim in this as our customers and our Authorized Retailers.
So now you have it . . . I am sure that you will agree that it would be impossible to go back and print new numbered plaques to send out to our customers. We do not know exactly how many plaques are missing, which numbers are missing and for those who got duplicate numbered labels on their shipping carton, who would get that number? I hope that you now understand that the only option is to issue a plaque that only has the total edition size.
MR understands its responsibility in this situation and will try to do everything in our power to correct this with our customers. As we have stated previously, if this does not resolve this issue to your satisfaction, please feel free to return your helmet to your Authorized Retailer. They have been instructed to accept returns without questions.
Once again we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused everyone.