My Office/Prop Room/Museum......Pics!!!

I love this collection!! I'm working towards something similar myself, but have a long way to go.

I may have missed it, but what's the story behind your C-3PO? What castings did you use, and did you have it vacuum metalized somewhere?

I agree, your R2 is one of the best I've seen. I saw pictures of yours a few years ago on the builders forum, and had no idea you had such a nice collection. My aluminum R2 has a long way to go, but I really like the 2-legged look of yours. If mine turns out that good, I'll be very pleased!!

Also, love your ANH Vader. Have you considered the Tarkin bust that was posted on the forum several weeks ago? That would look very cool in your room. :love
Great pieces a given. But your mounts and displays are worthy of the quality of your props. And I love the juxtaposition of the warm classic wood furniture with the space-age items.
ANH is the classic choice. Great display. when I am done trooping in The 501st and Rebel Legion , I will put my Stormtrooper and other costumes on display. but that will be awhile. LOL. I am having too much fun.

Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely amazing!! I love it. I'm in the process of making one corner of my home theater into all Star Wars stuff. My only problem is I have no idea how to display any of it. But your pictures sure give me some inspiration
There might be a money-making opportunity for you if you were to install a couple of cots and let droolers spend the night amongst your collection.

Just sayin'.

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