NCR Veteran Ranger- And other Fallout related props.

Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

The Camera is broken so I wont have any progress untill after today. I am building a transistor radio to hang from my belt since I will not have a pip boy. however I do want Radio new vegas. Video coming soon.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Sorry I have nothing more yet, I took a summer vacation. I have worked on the helmet a bit and it seems like the more progress I make on it, the further it looks complete. I am totaly baffled on the heads up display on the helmet, everything I do looks bad. So I am still trying to figure out that part before I continue.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Your armor looks awesome! I'm looking very forward to seeing more. I'm working on one myself but haven't taken any pictures yet. This is the first costume Ive ever made but I think its turning out ok. I'm in a rush to get finished before Dragon*Con. You going to D*C by any chance?
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Not this year unfortunately. I was looking forward to going but my plans fell apart. Thats why I haven't really been in much of a hurry. Ya, it is a fun build but very time consuming. Just remember, if you like your costume, that's all that counts.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

That's a shame Cal, I was hoping to bump into your build at D*Con! I'm doing the same build for D*Con, finished all but the mask so far =P I'm jealous of your chest piece though. Such a nice battle damage and paint job. Did you use that Malaysian fist for your stencil as well?
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

Thanks you! Yep, I sure did, but I altered it a bit. Then I just used gray primer over overtones of black. I originally painted it gray but everyone in Fallout says -guys in black armor- so I figured when they rendered it into the game it was supposed to be black, only the rendering they used made it look faded black/gray.

The helmet is another story, I have worked on mine 3 months and every time I get ready for a final priming and painting I think of something else I want to add or put in it.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

My helmet is coming along, nowhere near complete and I still have no idea for the lenses. The helmet is a vacuum-formed Swedish army helmet, and the rest is plastic sign board. I have lights a fan and a soundboard in it though.

I figured a Ranger might need a bag to put his crap in so I stuck NCR on a bag in case I ever need it to hold anything.

I modded a nerf longshot to a shotgun, I know its nothing close to the shotgun in fallout but its as close as I could get, and its sound modded as well, with a laser scope.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress- (New Pictures)

Anyone ever made a gun holster? I need to know the round about weight that the leather needs to be, preferably the thinnest I can get away with and still look decent.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-[New Pictures]

I just dug around in a junk yard until I found a hose suitable enough. It came from the engine to the heater core.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-[New Pictures]

I can't sew and I am stuck at the coat. Gah! I have made several mock ups from newspaper and none of them fit right. All those simplicity patterns, something about them doesn't look right. The waist goes way in and the bottom goes way out haha.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-

My helmet is coming along, nowhere near complete and I still have no idea for the lenses. The helmet is a vacuum-formed Swedish army helmet, and the rest is plastic sign board. I have lights a fan and a soundboard in it though.

Nice looking helmet, i hope mine turns out as good.
Did you work something out for your lenses ?

I was planning to use 1mm clear plastic covered in red one way window tint
and surrounded by red EL wire.

Red EL wire
eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace

Red one way tint
eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace

Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-[New Pictures]

Thank you. I am going to try black light EL Panel on slightly red uv plastic glass with a mirror finish on the back side. I have not tried EL wire but I know it does not get very bright. EL tape though gets really bright.

EL black light - YouTube
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-[New Pictures]

Cal, try scanning ebay for a duster. I managed to pick up an Australian Outback brand oilskin duster for $40 which looks pretty close to the in game dusters. I don't own a sewing machine so it was a solid alternative, I feel. Only downside is that it's going to be...pretty warm.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-[New Pictures]

I would do that if I had not already bought all the needed materials for it.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-[New Pictures]

Worked on the gun holster a little.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-[New Pictures]

It's not that bad of a holster lol.
Re: NCR Veteran Ranger -A work in progress-[New Pictures]

More pictures :confused