NECA Blade Runner 2049 wooden horse prop replica

Weeeeell, crap. Like a complete moron, I set it in front of an action figure notorious for falling off the shelf and lo and behold it fell and took the horse with it. Cracked as soon as it hit the floor :( Luckily it was a clean break and I was able to patch it with some superglue...but of course it shifted a tiny bit and so I had to sand it back on the sides, exposing the resin. I guess this means I'll have to touch up the whole paint job at some point!

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Lesson learned today: don't be an idiot and put it on a shelf where it's likely to fall. It's quite fragile. I'll be keeping mine in the box from now on :facepalm

Wow these were not carved out of real wood! Damn I think we were scammed out of our $20!!

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Wow these were not carved out of real wood! Damn I think we were scammed out of our $20!!


I followed advice from Kylash and did some weathering on my 2 NECA props. To get the effect I was looking for, first I applied some raw umber and black acrylic washes where needed and then rubbed in some soot over that. Before on the left and after on the right in each pic.

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I was not able to find one for 20$ (only way over) and was very bumed out, that its not out of wood.

For now i'm waiting for a real wood horse to send to me. hope it looks awesome. (handcarved as close as possible)

I got it back in December when it was still $20 on Amazon. Sucks if you missed out. Even though it's not real wood, it's nice as is.