New BSG - Jump Key

The folks over at have access to a bunch of that stuff, including the keys, from the auction that's going on right now. Apparently there were two types of keys, with multiples made. The ones used for the FTL drive were lighted. The munitions keys were not and apparently completely made of metal. The handles are of similar design, hence the confusion.

In other news, the "Apple logo" debate arose over at Dewback Wing and it was determined to be a trick of the light/optical illusion causing a recessed/beveled screw hole to look like an Apple logo. The consensus concluded that that's what was holding the thing together. I'm an Apple/Mac bigot myself and I have never seen such a device.
The folks over at have access to a bunch of that stuff, including the keys, from the auction that's going on right now. Apparently there were two types of keys, with multiples made. The ones used for the FTL drive were lighted. The munitions keys were not and apparently completely made of metal. The handles are of similar design, hence the confusion.

Do you have a link to the discussion? I remember the scene with the nuke key and I seem to recall seeing similar acrylic tips as the other key, just not lit. You also see the lit key used in the small ship that Starbuck was on while looking for the way to Earth.

In other news, the "Apple logo" debate arose over at Dewback Wing and it was determined to be a trick of the light/optical illusion causing a recessed/beveled screw hole to look like an Apple logo. The consensus concluded that that's what was holding the thing together. I'm an Apple/Mac bigot myself and I have never seen such a device.

Yup... I started the same thread over there as well and argued for the screw detail over the Apple logo. ;)
Do you have a link to the discussion? I remember the scene with the nuke key and I seem to recall seeing similar acrylic tips as the other key, just not lit. You also see the lit key used in the small ship that Starbuck was on while looking for the way to Earth.

On page 3. Joe Beaudoin Jr. is the one getting all the stuff together and is running a separate blog here about the props:
Here's a cap from the upcoming auction catalog. Not much better than what we already had from screen caps.

I bought myself 2 of those safey lights and based on the thickness of the clear rod drew blueprints for the jumpkey. It looks from the pictures posted in this thread there are at least 3 versions, so i did all three of them.

Now to find a machinist who can mill and lathe them for me :)


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One of the three versions is actually the armament key. I forget if it's for the nukes or what, but it's not a jump key.

CAD work looks great Marc.

Yeah, the munitions key was different. Here's a picture of it from the auction listings. It appears that the plexi rods were replaced with metal with some channels and other detailing.

I would definitely throw down for one of these! :love

It would be awesome if Russrep made a run of these, including the munitions version.
I actually handled this prop a fair bit at the end of the show. The body of it is a custom, scratch built piece. While those wands look similar, the lighted portions are seperate custom crystals with laser lights behind them. We were having trouble with it on set one day, and I stood there and watched while the prop guy dismantled it so he could replace the batteries on the laser.
Ooooo big metal piece with shiny blinky lite! Me likey. This is a real cool obscure prop. Watching with GREAT interest!