New BSG - Jump Key

i have the 3D Model ready, with the exeption of the inner works. My local electronicsshop sells the correct flashsticks.

I'll finish the model and talk to russ about a proto in the coming days
I just wanted to point out I found this...

Evolution Props

the rods are wrong, but maybe they could be switched out?

There's a lot wrong with that if you want a screen-accurate version...

LeMarchand- Can you get actual LED-Lenser LL7596 lights at that store near you? I'd be interested in getting one of those (or one extra with the FTL key when it's made... :cool ) I found one online once, and haven't been able to find them since...
My local electronics shop has a couple of the correct ones, don't know if they can get their hands on more, will ask them next time i am there.

I'll see if i can talk to Russ soon about doing these in aluminium, but have no clue about the final price. It all depends on the machining costs, material costs and time per key to clean, polish and assemble.
In the event someone is looking for the correct light, search "Safety Light 7596" at ebay. $5 each.
Have you seen those in person? Are they blue when they are turned off (as seen in the pictures), or are they clear when turned off (as the original prop is). Probably worth $5 to find out, just wondering though.

Edit- Seller confirmed it's clear when turned off, so it should be good... I ordered a couple myself.

Thanks for pointing them out!
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Is anybody in contact with the owner of the prop? I see some photos around, like that giant one earlier in this thread. It would be nice if we had a full set of photos to go with.
That would be me... :cool The pictures in this thread are of a backup version of the key that doesn't match exactly what the screen used one looked like (this is the first one that Propworx sold at the BSG auctions).
The second key they sold was a hero key, which I have. I've posted some pictures of it with Gordon Gekko's replica here:

Ah, that's cool. Can you send me an email so we can get in touch?
Hey Philip... Your Emails are bouncing
"No MX or A records for"
Tried about 6 times throughout the day...

And you seem to have PMs turned off here (or disabled for some reason...)

I have information about your last Email, let me know if there's somewhere else I can send it...
Hi all.

Rik and I did manage to get together on the FTL key as I really wanted to make all-metal versions, just like the show prop. With his enormous help, digital calipers, photos, and 3d modeling from Bruce Lee, I think we have managed to get a pretty nice looking replica together. Judge for yourself:




