New Futurama Episode Discussion..LOVING IT!

I'm glad they're back in their old form, and got away from the last of those god-awful movies they put out.
So far, I've seriously disliked all the new episodes:unsure, except for the one with the cats. It almost seems like the episodes are a bunch of tiny, little unconnected stories that are thrown together to try and make one big story (episode). IMO it's like the writers have completely ignored everything that happened in the original series and movies and decided to start over. I've watched the previous series and movies multiple times, I've watched each of the new episodes once, and most likely won't watch them again

Frankly, unless the writing improves dramatically, I don't see it lasting more than 1 or 2 seasons.

So far, I give it two thumbs down (n)thumbsdown
Has anyone noticed that the opening of the show and the music seems slightly different now? They could be trying to take a new direction to the show since it is on another station to distance itself from the stuff that was on fox. Kinda dumb if they are since they show the old show all the time. They seem to have lost interest in Leela and Fry being in love suddenly which is odd. The show has always been hit and miss to me, i kinda like the slightly sad episodes like when Fry realizes that his nephew was the first on mars (I did like the one movie where they all got scammed and we saw his life if he hadn't gone to the future). They need to bring back the Globetrotters and the what if machine.
The globetrotters have been in this season twice so far. And Leela has been giving Fry more attention than usual even if they're not all over each other every second of the day.

And to anyone who hasn't seen the newest time travel one, you'll get one of those old slightly sad episodes. Bender searching for his inspector was a good one too.

Frankly I've been pretty pleased with everything this season. It feels a lot more like the some of the earlier Futurama to me.
They might be breaking in some new writers or something too. I have to admit i love them taking shots at Apple constantly in the new episodes with the Eyephone and Ifad lol.
The only show I make sure to watch every week! I think it's been getting better each episode
Are there new episodes after the Holiday Special? Prior to that it was The Mutanats are Revolting and Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences.
I think the holiday special was a filler between seasons. That or comedy central canceled it for some lame comedy show about fart jokes.
I believe that Comedy Central ordered two additional seasons to air after the upcoming one.