Thanks Darph, you are much too kind.
I am kind of worried about how it will look painted, I am not quite so sure if it will look as "clean" as I want it to or not. It is a heck of a fiddle working with those tiny bits of plastic. I see the ones you have on yours is about the same tiny things, so I am sure you know what I am talking about. the silver pieces are actually little pieces I cut out of a potatochip bag... I couldn't find anything else thin enough to get the look that I wanted. Counting the potatochip bag, there are about 3 different thicknesses that I am using to create the structure. I bought the Acreation decals for armor and between the ribs, but I do not think I will put them on, All of the builds that I have seen with the decals look much too dark in my opinion.