New Hasbro Toy Lightsabers

It's October, so where's the frickin' Luke saber already? I hope they aren't waiting to tie it in with the season three DVD release of The Clone Wars, cuz I don't wanna wait that long! I'm also curious to know what else might be part of the second wave, if anything.

Has anyone been tracking the sales of these sabers in your local stores? It doesn't seem to be moving that fast 'round here, although the Target nearest my work is all sold out.
It's only the first week of October. Hasbro tends to release their SW items in waves with other SW items (like past years, October is one of those months). Places like are now giving detailed reviews of the new wave of ROTJ VC figures which means they should be showing up in the stores very soon, and most likely those shipments will also have the Luke ROTJ lightsabers as well.
But they said October... And it's October dagnabbit!

Thanks though. It took 'em this long to finally put out a lightsaber that was both sufficiently cool and affordable, I guess I can wait a little longer. But only a little.

I went by target yesterday and found one of the luke return of the jedi sabers. Your wait may be over.
Just recently I purchased the Luke version of the lightsaber and its pretty impressive. The details on the handle are okay, but hey, its a toy. A rectangular gold button will ignite the blade from the bottom up with sound coming from the bottom of the handle. The Light doesn't instantly come on, it goes from bottom to top like in the movies. If you look at it in with the lights on, it looks as if the saber light is composed up of about 4 big LED's and they are placed along the saber. If you look at it with the lights off, the color is more brilliant, and vibrant and the colors just mend together. Its awesome.
There is also a Darth Vader one available.

What MJF said. I was hoping there might've been something in addition to the Luke ROTJ saber. Instead of the new Mace Windu and Qui-Gon Jinn electronic sabers (with collapsible blades), maybe they should've devoted their resources to more Ultimate FX sabers.

A curious point: Assuming stores received equal amounts of the Vader and Anakin sabers, the Anakin seems to be selling better. Also, I've noticed some of the Vader sabers are non-functional, though I've had no trouble with mine.
These are pretty cool. My nephew got a Luke version and then my 4yo. niece said she wanted the Vader version. So hopefully she's getting more interested in SW.
Thanks again. Looks like I won't be getting the new collapsible blade version of the Qui-Gon Jinn then. This one actually looks a little better.

The sabers they're choosing to release are a little confounding though. It's the same thing over and over, just with different supporting technology. And the timing seems odd as well. Was it actually their intention to have two levels of electronic saber available concurrently, or were the old style sabers already committed to production when the came up with the Ultimate FX?

Seems to me it might be a better idea to branch out into newer territory. Some of the so called "Clan" or council sabers wouldn't be too bad.
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So wth the TRU and Target ones, is the blade removeable? And if so removeable, are they replaceable with more durable blades?
Thanks again. Looks like I won't be getting the new collapsible blade version of the Qui-Gon Jinn then. This one actually looks a little better.

The sabers they're choosing to release are a little confounding though. It's the same thing over and over, just with different supporting technology. And the timing seems odd as well. Was it actually their intention to have two levels of electronic saber available concurrently, or were the old style sabers already committed to production when the came up with the Ultimate FX?

Seems to me it might be a better idea to branch out into newer territory. Some of the so called "Clan" or council sabers wouldn't be too bad.

I am surprised as well. I guess they are trying to appeal to the age group in which these are intended, and for the most part, the age group identifies more with the prequels. However, I would think the Obi TPM/AOTC style would be more popular and would look good without having to modify body design to incorporate the blade. I like that they did a OT lightsaber, Luke ROTJ but we all know they had to make the neck large. The only other one they could have done (since Vader already made) is Luke's ANH or ESB but since it is so similar to Anakin's that is already offered, it would propbably not be a good idea at this point.

I do not have any insight into their marketing but the two battery operated stlyes (Electronic and Ultimate) are two different price points. $20 and $35 is a big deal in the toy world. Also, I would imagine a parent would opt to buy one that they feel would match their child's activity level (are they going ot beat the crap out of it). I would guess if one style does better and one suffers, they would opt drop that design. From the looks of the shelves ar my local Target, the ultimate Lightsabers are not flying off the selves. So I would be cautious about dropping one line for another at this point.
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