I would say don't get too worried that it's not totally original. No art is entirely original or we'd still be painting on cave walls. The idea is to take whats come before and find a way to take it in a new direction. The problem with reboots is that while some of them are very good, they start with a handicap in my book because you're asking me to give your creativity the benefit of the doubt when you can't even do the minimal amount of making it your own.
Also, while the criticisms of your ideas are all valid, I always try to remember the most important advice I ever got: While you can always find something wrong with it (and believe me, I love nitpicking stories...it's the main reason I even come to forums like this, to crap on other peoples art for fun and giggles), at the end of the day, art that got made always beats the idea that never happened. A crappy script you wrote is always a better work of art than the good script you talked about one night at Denny's but never did anything with.
Besides, if you set aside an hour or two a night to just put words on paper, you may find that you enjoy it for it's own sake.