no one has mentioned Lilo in JAIL?

I think it's a matter of economics and public interest...

Prisons are crazy expensive to build and run and it cost a huge amount per day for every prisoner to sit there, money that the public has to pay... Everyone already wants tax breaks, I doubt you will find many people willing to pay more taxes for a new prison in their town and do they even want one in their town to hold their own criminals or are they like most that want it in someone else's town as to not tarnish their town...

That is what it boils down to in the end, if the public isn't willing to support the system the system fails... And I don't see the public campaigning and collecting donations for new prisons in their towns so the criminals can server their time...

Just imagine if the local politician campaigned on the pledge to increase your taxes and build a new prison... He/She might as well just drop out of the race...
Well stated.

The other problem we have with building new prisons here in the U.S. is a little something known as NIMBY: Not In My Back Yard. Sure there's public outcry when violent prisoners are released early (for whatever reason) but, whenever plans for a new prison are announced, the people who live or work in/around/near the proposed area where the prison will be built are suddenly against the idea of new prisons simply because they don't want them in their neighborhood.
Just imagine if the local politician campaigned on the pledge to increase your taxes and build a new prison... He/She might as well just drop out of the race...

Well said. And yeah, no argument, hence my mention of 'giving the lie to law and order campaigning'. Sure, it plays well - we want the law and order part - but not the price tag when it comes down to it. I didn't mean to give the impression I let the public off the hook for this either, btw.
USA has large areas of no-man's-land... build the super prisons there.

And where do you get the employees and money to run it? No mans land means just that no people, no taxes no money and equally important no infrastructure to support it no electric, water, sewage, or close supply chains for even the basics like food...

If you don't want early release you need to be able to house millions and millions more people, in a blink...

In 2006, $68,747,203,000 was spent on corrections. (US)

That is current cost if you want to keep everyone in jail with no early release you could expect that to go up 3, 4, 5 times?

Since the US population is only 307 million that means every citizen is already paying about $225 a year just to sustain the prisons we have, do you think they (we) will jump on the bandwagon to pay up $500 or $1000 more in taxes just for prisons?

NASA has to beg and cry for their $18.72 billion budget just imagine trying to sell an additional yearly budget of $100s of billions to the tax payers for prisons...

As I said if society doesn't support the system it fails, and the prison system is a perfect example...
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Dude, the Lilo thing kinda messed me up... from now on just say, the "Blonde ******* FreakyTiki, "Freaky Friday" Blonde drunk piece 'o crap..."

Because, that's what she is, and will forever be known as... Any hopes of her recovering any bit of dignity due to her job, whether she remains sober or not, is going to be a big point for people...

Congrats Lindsay! You're what, not even mid to late twenties yet, and have been arrested more times than most repeat offenders?"

My advice? Buy up old VHS's of "FF" and burn copies to sell, because your career as an actress is done, and it is all because of your own doing...
Didn't we say the same about Drew? She looked like going down the gurgler at one point, too. Time will tell.

I fear LL will probably be dead before too long if she does keep up her curent lifestyle.
Didn't we say the same about Drew? She looked like going down the gurgler at one point, too. Time will tell.

Exactly, it's all about what happens down the road...

Robert Downey Jr. being the current poster child, that you can certainly get past a rough spell of run ins with the legal system...