Non Profit Cosplay Batman Student Stage Production

Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)


The original Smooth Criminal

Photography by Roberto Williams
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Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)


The Prince of Puzzlers!

Photography by Roberto Williams
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Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)

Absolutely amazing work sir. I consider you the benchmark for my own suit, hope I can get at least half way decent to your own bat suit.
Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)

Your publicity shots turned out great!

In this last one, The Batman stalks!, the cowl eye lenses are catching the light and doing a pretty amazing thing.
Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)

Your publicity shots turned out great!

In this last one, The Batman stalks!, the cowl eye lenses are catching the light and doing a pretty amazing thing.

Thanks so much! and yes I know what you mean about the eye lenses and the light they catch. I just wish it could be a consistent thing. It seems to happen only when it wants to! Believe me, we've tried! LOL!
Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)

**See September 25th photo update**

Photography by Roberto Williams
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Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)

I love your interpretations of these classic characters and how you've brought the most iconic of comic designs to life - well done!

I can't wait to see your own interpretation of the Joker!
Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)

Yes, The Joker and The Penguin are BOTH going to be tough. That's why I've saved them for last...
Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)

Awesome costumes, but your Robin model looks a little stiff, :lol Great Job :thumbsup
Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)

Robin a little "stiff"? Yes... well... He admittedly does have something of a mannequin - like quality about him. :lol
Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)

Wow! Amazing Work! The costumes look incredible and i love that all of your actors/actresses are into their character. If you can post the performance up! i'd love to see this in action!
Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)

These are great from what I can see, but try using a different photo uploader, Photopucket stops showing your pictures if you get too much traffic. I like using Deviantart, it gives a great place to get feedback and show off your work, it only scales down your pictures if you tell it to, and you can always right click your picture and "Copy image url" then embed that here. Deviantart doesn't stop your pictures from showing due to traffic.
Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)

I've upgraded my Photobucket acct to have more bandwith. These images should be visible again very shortly.
Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)

Greetings friends, family, cosplayers, theater lovers, Batman fans, and supporters of Arts in Education!

I am VERY proud and pleased to announce that the summer stage production which I am producing with my students “FATHERS OF THE DARK KNIGHT” now has its own official website!

It’s your one-stop location to get all of the latest production news leading right up to our summer premiere! Learn about the premise for the play itself! Browse the gallery of our stunning production photos! Read the bios of the show’s cast and crew!! See detailed production designs, behind the scenes images, and so much more!

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Re: BATMAN Character Costumes for School Play (Pic Heavy)

These costumes are amazing. I would have gone to school plays at my schools had they done something like this. And you bet your ass I would've sat front row. Great job!
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