Question Not sure why my post was deleted


New Member
This may be more of a suggestion than a question, but I just noticed that I had a post deleted and there was no explanation as to who did it or why. I figured it must have been done by a moderator/staff member which means I must have have violated some rule. I went back and reviewed the guidelines and I *think* it must be because I was offering to sell something to the OP which it seems is against the rules for non-premium members which I didn't realize. Is that correct? If so, that's cool and my bad for not knowing the guidelines well enough. Still, I don't have any way of knowing that's the reason for sure. I didn't receive a warning or anything and there was literally no additional info other than the words "deleted post". It would really help to know if/what the rule was that I violated so I don't repeat the mistake. I have no problem with the guideline itself or that my post was deleted, only that I'd like just a bit more feedback so I can make appropriate corrections to remain in good standing. I've searched in vain for any information regarding this type of situation but I was not able to find anything, so I opted to post this question/suggestion. Otherwise, I love the site and everything that you guys are doing. Thanks!
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