Why aren't Indy and his dad immortal?

The path was painted to look like the far wall from the perspective of the leaping point. That was the entire point of the camera move that went back and forth to show this. If it was God, the filmmakers would have shown fairy dust or whatever making it appear and disappear. Indy throws gravel on it so it will be visible for the next person (who will now not need to make a leap of faith). Could a handful of gravel undo God's intended requirement for entry?
The path was painted to look like the far wall from the perspective of the leaping point. That was the entire point of the camera move that went back and forth to show this. If it was God, the filmmakers would have shown fairy dust or whatever making it appear and disappear. Indy throws gravel on it so it will be visible for the next person (who will now not need to make a leap of faith). Could a handful of gravel undo God's intended requirement for entry?

God was busy when the Nazis were around. He didn't have time for chores like sweeping.
Well, in the end, it didn't matter lol Grail was lost and it all crumbled.

Would've been funny if Indy saved the Knight and he road out with them. Makes you wonder what his fate was. 700 years just to stand there, look around and say "Well s**t, now what".

The path was painted to look like the far wall from the perspective of the leaping point. That was the entire point of the camera move that went back and forth to show this. If it was God, the filmmakers would have shown fairy dust or whatever making it appear and disappear. Indy throws gravel on it so it will be visible for the next person (who will now not need to make a leap of faith). Could a handful of gravel undo God's intended requirement for entry?
The path was painted to look like the far wall from the perspective of the leaping point. That was the entire point of the camera move that went back and forth to show this. If it was God, the filmmakers would have shown fairy dust or whatever making it appear and disappear. Indy throws gravel on it so it will be visible for the next person (who will now not need to make a leap of faith). Could a handful of gravel undo God's intended requirement for entry?

I always assumed Indy threw the sand/gravel on the painted bridge so that he could more easily see it coming back out of the Grail chamber.
Well, in the end, it didn't matter lol Grail was lost and it all crumbled.

Would've been funny if Indy saved the Knight and he road out with them. Makes you wonder what his fate was. 700 years just to stand there, look around and say "Well s**t, now what".

It really did feel rushed, and unfulfilling.

As others have said: it was found the Grail could heal wounds when drank from (and may have been used that way up through the Crusades, when the Knights decided to hide/protect it). But it didn't grant eternal life unless you REGULARLY drank from it.

But why/how was the eternal life ALSO linked to the temple seal, which didn't even exist at the time of the crucifixion?!

ALSO: There is NO WAY that 20th Century American-English speaking Indiana Jones and an 11th century knight of the First Crusade were speaking the same language.
I always assumed Indy threw the sand/gravel on the painted bridge so that he could more easily see it coming back out of the Grail chamber.
It would be plainly visible from any angle other than the leaping point, as the perspective trick of the paint job wouldn't work from there.
Would've been funny if Indy saved the Knight and he road out with them. Makes you wonder what his fate was. 700 years just to stand there, look around and say "Well s**t, now what".

I'm picturing Indy walking in there. The knight looks up, and puts down his paperback copy of 'How to win at casino gambling' . . .

(Bonus points for anybody who knows what I'm referencing.)
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It really did feel rushed, and unfulfilling.

As others have said: it was found the Grail could heal wounds when drank from (and may have been used that way up through the Crusades, when the Knights decided to hide/protect it). But it didn't grant eternal life unless you REGULARLY drank from it.

But why/how was the eternal life ALSO linked to the temple seal, which didn't even exist at the time of the crucifixion?!

ALSO: There is NO WAY that 20th Century American-English speaking Indiana Jones and an 11th century knight of the First Crusade were speaking the same language.

That's funny because I just watched this video on how far back you could go and understand/speak to another English speaker.
The thing with the Indy films is you just cannot take them seriously. They're supposed to be fun.
Even something as small as swinging on the whip, good chance besides destroying it, it will let go and you will fall.
The second you start thinking about these things happening in reality, it loses its magic.

The thing with the Indy films is you just cannot take them seriously. They're supposed to be fun.
Even something as small as swinging on the whip, good chance besides destroying it, it will let go and you will fall.
The second you start thinking about these things happening in reality, it loses its magic.

Never realized you couldn’t do that with the whip
I was watching a language archeologist about the history of the English language and the English that we speak today would first have been starting to form in the 13th century. So, the Knight would have sounded more Germanic and Indy would have understood him. But, he was God chosen one, so maybe he got a understand all language benefit from the Grail too. Hahaha
Lucas said these were made to be like the Saturday Serials he used to watch as a kid, so fun fiction movies that entertain all. That's why I just turn off my brain when I watch then.
Never realized you couldn’t do that with the whip

I was demonstrating my whip for my 3 year old, and he insisted that I do some branch wrapping. With a couple tries you can get a pretty good hold, but I also didn't try to make it hold my weight. In addition to stretching and damaging your whip the connection between the whip and the fall is a weak point, where it might break. But the least realistic thing is that assuming you get a good wrap and make the swing successfully, which is theoretically possible, is that you are going to have a devil of a time getting your whip disconnected without fetching a ladder.
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Never realized you couldn’t do that with the whip

Getting the whip to hold by friction is iffy at best. The big issue is the strands within would snap and stretch and you'd compromise the integrity of the whip pretty quickly.
Yeah jts1031 is right.
Now it is possible to do it. You can get the fall to somewhat lock around itself and climb up or swing on a whip.
When I was maybe 12 I was given a 4 plait whip and I would snap it around tree branches and climb up and swing. Quite often the hold would let go and you would end up on your bum.
The strands directly below the handle stretched out horribly. It never broke though.
And I imagine the 12 plait Kangaroo hide David Morgan whips that Indy carried would take quite a bit more punishment.

To degrade the idea a bit more the movie whips ranged from 6 to 16 feet depending on the stunt with 10 being the most common, so the whip was always just the perfect length.

Again it's the magic of the (original 3) films. Indiana Jones pushes the boundaries of reality in that things that are not impossible but very improbable, just constantly work out for him. It keeps things somewhat believable. And it's fun.

These movies are a 10yo kid's fantasy of being an adult. That's how action stuff usually is, including video games.

When you were 10yo you could swing on monkey bars. You could do a few pull-ups. You could get knocked on your butt and get right back up. You could run or fight without getting out-of-breath. You could jump off things taller than your head without getting hurt. Etc.