Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure. Now w/Video

Re: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure.

Okay, here she is with the lettering you suggested. More on the other side too...

Re: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure.

Looks pretty sweet! If you can manage it for cheap it definitely needs something that blinks or some sort of red countdown timer and it has to be red since everybody knows that all explosives countdown timers are in red. :D
Re: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure.

Woah Baby! Don't let the DHS or Sarah Connor see this :D - it's a cool prop...
Hmm, liquid for looking cool huh? What about blue - at least something with Cherenkov radiation
Re: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure.

Thanks a lot for all the useful suggestions p51, those are going to help a lot.
Glad to be of some assistance. I like the photos of your finished product, it’ll be clear to anyone watching the film as to what it is. Oh, BTW, I screwed up in my original post, meant to say the US doesn’t use man-portable TACITCAL nukes anymore. Clearly they have plenty of strategic high-yield ones. I know the Russians had a range of portable nukes as well, the smallest ones below the half kiloton range, for demolitions inside tunnels and taking out command and control facilities quickly (to keep paperwork and computers from being captured before they could be destroyed). But those wouldn’t have legible markings other than a few numbers and would lack the “dramatic” look as they’d look like a large popcorn tin painted OD green. Your “device” is far more dangerous looking. If you ever saw a real-life tactical nuke, you’d think it was a food can or something, anything other than a nuclear weapon. But for a film, it should be very clear what it is, short of it having “Acme Atomic Bomb” on the side of it.
Re: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure.

You should make a tiny sign says "point Nuke away from face"
Are you going to do some weathering on it?
Re: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure.

I'm just going to say one thing about this.


I can just imagine the idiotic panic of some moron that sees you transporting this to the theatre or wherever you are going to be taking it. Make sure it's covered up at all times.

But cool bomb! :thumbsup
Re: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure.

I'm just going to say one thing about this.


I can just imagine the idiotic panic of some moron that sees you transporting this to the theatre or wherever you are going to be taking it. Make sure it's covered up at all times.

But cool bomb! :thumbsup

Yeah, cover it up like you are Trying to hide it....and then you drop it so it shows....:thumbsup
Re: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure.

I'm just going to say one thing about this.
I can just imagine the idiotic panic of some moron that sees you transporting this to the theatre or wherever you are going to be taking it. Make sure it's covered up at all times.
Good point. I had to once respond to a potential unexploded ordnance situation on an Army post before EOD could get there and found it was a scuba tank painted OD green with radiation stickers all over the thing. The local cops had no clue. I told them they had nothing to worry about, but they had the driver of the car in handcuffs in the back while I checked it out. All for someone running a stop sign. Don't be that guy! :eek
Re: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure.

Good point. I had to once respond to a potential unexploded ordnance situation on an Army post before EOD could get there and found it was a scuba tank painted OD green with radiation stickers all over the thing. The local cops had no clue. I told them they had nothing to worry about, but they had the driver of the car in handcuffs in the back while I checked it out. All for someone running a stop sign. Don't be that guy! :eek

I remember reading about something a couple of years ago. Someone had found a clear container with radioative slime inside. All hell broke lose and hazmat teams came and took away the "slime" container.
Turned out to be a toy container with a "alien" inside the slime filled container.

Something like this but it had a radiative sign ontop..
Re: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure.

I have a light, like below, that I use every year at Halloween. I thought it would be neat to put inside so it reflected out the vent holes. I switched the red for the blue cover but when I plugged it in, the light reflector doesn't rotate any longer.

Re: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure.

^ You might be able to fix it. Can you hear the motor spinning?
Re: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure.

You should make a tiny sign says "point Nuke away from face"

That's funny, like a little inside joke. Have a 'warning sticker'

Point Nuke away from face
Keep out of reach of small children
No user serviceable parts inside
Warranty void if you press this button
[With an arrow pointing to whatever activates it]


I love seeing stuff like on props when you actually get a chance to see them in person...
Re: Nuke the site from orbit. It's the onyl way to be sure.

Mind most of my experience with props goes back to being a garage band roadie-techie so that said.....

Never discount the potential use of black lights, if only back in the day I had access to the many UV paint and plastic materials available today. *sighs*

Also the tried and true strobe light can create many effects for internal applications, combined with transparent colored gel panels (windows) cut into the exterior, the possibilities are nearly endless.

Oh my kingdom for a UV strobe light in those days of yesteryear !
The director sent me the following today. I wasn't on set when they shot it. Looks like they didn't use my blue gelled strobe light. Here is 4 seconds of video. Judging from the numbers, it's not final.

If any locals Dallas/Fort Worth area locals want to see the short, it is playing Thursday the 18th at Studio Movie Grill Lewisville at two times in the evening. PM me, and I'll get you the details.
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I would absolutely be there, if it wasn't something like 4000 miles away. Nevertheless, as the former Props Master for my alma mater, let me say "Kudos" and mention that I'd have been happy to have that kind of enthusiasm and talent at my disposal back then!
I've just gone blind by over-exposure of the awsomeness of this bomb!
Great work, Evan!:cool:thumbsup