Original ESB Walker Pilot Helmet

Hi Chris,

How many years ago would you say it was? I think on my site Ive got that picture dated as "mid 1990's" is that about right?

As far as the exterior colour's concerned, it doesnt look as dark as the photo of it next to the white helmet, thats just to illustrate how the shade of the helmet when photgraphed can vary so much - dependant on whats around it.

Regarding the colour on the inside, I suppose its possible that you might not have noticed the colour since they may have oversprayed more on JS's helmet, plus the one I saw had a LOT of padding on the inside with at least 2 square foam pads gaffer taped to the maple leaf pad meaning I had to carefully move them to see what was beneath.

I'm absolutely 100% sure that the ESB AT-AT's were repainted ANH TIE's. They have all the same tell's as the TIE's. Mollo also confirmed this from his art book.


Incredible! I have always loved the AT-AT helmet, definitely one of my favorites, but to see it is actually grey is amazing!

So where is Clutch? :lol

Thank you Jez and keep up the wonderful work!
OMG! Thanks for the pics and the insights! I got a feeling this revelation is gonna upset more than just a few AT-AT Driver costumers (included myself, haha!). Jez, do you think the armor worn by the Drivers were grey too? I also think this helmet is the one of the action figure backing card. p.s. I don't suppose you have more photos of this historical artifact
OMG! Thanks for the pics and the insights! I got a feeling this revelation is gonna upset more than just a few AT-AT Driver costumers (included myself, haha!). Jez, do you think the armor worn by the Drivers were grey too? I also think this helmet is the one of the action figure backing card. p.s. I don't suppose you have more photos of this historical artifact

Well since I recon they painted it grey to make it stand out (in a very bright cock pit) against the blue-screened snow - yes I would expect the armour was grey too.

I'm agreeing what photos I can take/post with the owner so have to bow to his wishes - hence no internal shots.


This is an awesome thread! Thanks for showing us this stuff Jez!
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Jez, on the ear pieces above the three dots, is the circular area merely painted white or is there something attached (e.g. sticker)? Also, how flexible is the helmet hose (the one which attaches to the chestbox)?
WOW! Very Nice Jez, thanks for sharing:thumbsup

Awesome! Thanks as always, to you and your source, for sharing this! Looking the details over I wonder if this bit here:


I remember a while back when a search for the cans on the back was on, and I found a PVC pipe connector to be very close, but not exactly the sameas the one used on the original helmets. For the metal bit on top, I used something similar to this http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?i...+head+screws&start=20&ndsp=20&um=1&hl=en&sa=N
It does look as though it is a Allen head bolt of some kind to me.

Nice one Jez:cheers
I'm already disassembling mine. :lol

You know whoever does this to theirs is gonna catch flak from joe public.

I commend Jez on sharing the pics. I have also suggested on the Prop Den that he photograph it next to an 18% gray card like they did with the Worldcon Blaster so that we will get a more accurate color reading. Here is just one site that goes over the process: http://www.digitalartsphotography.com/instructions.htm

Man I love this stuff!
so there would be no blue reflecting on to the helmets causing difficulty in matting

Yes, that certainly sounds plausible. Not only would you get the reflection of the blue off the top of the helmets but also a white helmet under such strong studio lights would just end up bleached out.

renzaijh - I think its just a white sticker - presumably to cover the screw hole underneath

clutch - very useful info on the grey card. The fact that it wasnt white totally threw me, despite first seeing (more grainy) pics of it over a year ago :lol


I don't believe that they were painted grey for any other reason than aesthetic choice. The stormtroopers and snowtroopers were used much more intensely and they were left white.
The pilots only had a couple minor scenes and one of them included sharing the frame with a snowtrooper commander (which definitely was not painted grey).
I think their color was not a functional choice, but rather one intended to simply make them appear slightly different.
Actually I've also managed to get my hands on THE SCREEN-USED Snowtrooper Commander helmet and in fact its emerged that it was originlly painted a unique 2-tone scheme.



You get some really amazing items crossing your path Jez, thanks very much for sharing all this!
Great thread, thanks for sharing!

I agree with Gino - if they were concerned with blue spill, they also wouldn't have given it a glossy finish.

I don't believe that they were painted grey for any other reason than aesthetic choice. The stormtroopers and snowtroopers were used much more intensely and they were left white.
The pilots only had a couple minor scenes and one of them included sharing the frame with a snowtrooper commander (which definitely was not painted grey).
I think their color was not a functional choice, but rather one intended to simply make them appear slightly different.
I think I just learned more in that five minutes reading this thread than in the last 5 years researching this helmet. Thanks Jez!!!

Dave :)
I think I just learned more in that five minutes reading this thread than in the last 5 years researching this helmet. Thanks Jez!!!

Dave :)

Thanks Dave - glad to help.

Stonky - It may make sense that it was matt but in person I can tell you it was actually quite shiny!

