Our photo/frame from "Coco"...


Sr Member
So, as a result of feedback I got recently, I'm posting here first, before FB. ;)

However, to be honest, this is a gift for one of my daughters, ("Coco" being her favorite movie, at the moment), & as a result I can't post on FB until her birthday, so... :D

Anyway, here's a batch of pics showing the construction & finished product. Not much of it focuses on the photo, but I did print that out, try to match the tear & fold as closely as possible, as well as the tape putting it back together...

Our photo/frame from "Coco"...

01.jpg02.jpg03.jpg04.jpgIMG_20180527_203534 - Copy.jpgIMG_20180527_203544 - Copy.jpgIMG_20180527_203701 - Copy.jpgIMG_20180528_070703 - Copy.jpgIMG_20180528_070751 - Copy.jpg
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