Outland badge

I never heard back from my guy...

I'll give him one more try, but it looks like this is dead on my end, sorry.

Thanks Gary! :)

Yep mine's built from scratch (twice!) and if anyone wants to recast in metal that would be perfectly fine with me. I have about 100 other badges & emblems I've made as well and any are available if someone wants to produce them in metal.


Anybody hear from Blad lately, I may have a lead on having these badges made in metal, but I was hoping to use one of Blads badges as a master?

I sent him a PM a couple of days ago, but no reply
As a reason for resurrecting this thread, does anyone own or have access to an actual, documented, screen used Marshal's badge? I've seen the small photo on the US Marshal's site.
Just wondering if the star being silver was production used, or a trick of the light.