PAYDAY: The Heist

Is it possible to buy the set mask. I would like to know because i'm interested in buying.

Yes - he is selling the 4 Payday 2 Masks as a reduced-price set.

Again - the best way to find out is to contact him via PM or email here, or on Facebook, DeviantArt or blogspot as Gorilla Props.

DA: gorillaprops (Jack) on deviantART
Twitter: @gorillaprops
I've finished the dripper mask even though it doesn't look as scary as it was supposed to, it probably would if i had a gun to your head.
I chose this pattern.
and here are the results...
I've got so much clay left i wonder what mask i should do next???
bought the game for the xbox solely on finding this thread, after one day of playing gave up its just to hard, think i will just enjoy the masks and artwork the game is a huge letdown
The game on Xbox is a great game in my opinion yeah it could use an update but its about the gun of showin off how good you are in a heist to the others on Xbox live and true it is harder to do if you are playing offline but of you can beat all mission offline then it's a breaze to beat them online I am currently level 100 and have over 2 billion in my off shore account and just over 1 billion in spending cash
Has anyone heard from him lately? It has been 10 weeks sense I ordered and payed for mine and I was quoted 2-3 weeks. Now I'm not getting any kind of response from him. My last email I got from his was this. "awesomes, I will let you know when they're shipped" on August 21... almost 4 weeks ago. Anyone else having trouble getting a response from him?
Has anyone heard from him lately? It has been 10 weeks sense I ordered and payed for mine and I was quoted 2-3 weeks. Now I'm not getting any kind of response from him. My last email I got from his was this. "awesomes, I will let you know when they're shipped" on August 21... almost 4 weeks ago. Anyone else having trouble getting a response from him?

I sent him an email last week but haven't heard from him. Try bugging him on Facebook.
I looked at his Facebook page... I understand why he hasn't replied to anyone. "Hundreds of emails" as he says. I also got a response from him on his Facebook page. He is swamped like there is no tomorrow.
DUDE HOLY crap man amazing really!!! WOW!.. ok look I just made this account. From searching the web I found your masks; which at first I thought were going to look ok; but then I saw them, wow man! You are truly an artist! These are how they should look. Anyways 3 of my friends and I really need these masks for halloween and some other things. If you are willing to sell your art please, name your price. Honestly we will even let u put your signature or something on them. You make perfect payday masks. So if you are willing to sell all the 4 masks for each character, I will buy for a good price. Email me at hope you see this! Really would love to purchase them. Only if you have extras; because I would not buy your hard work so you can't have a copy. Please name your price for all four. Ill be here waiting for a reply. September 21 2013. Is the day I wrote this so yeah:)
Hello, I am trying to make/buy a PAYDAY 2 wolf mask. I need it by Halloween as it is part of my costume. Is there any way you would sell me one of these masks? If not can you tell me in exact detail how you made them? Thanks in advance!

BLOODY HELL!, I really need to check back here more often... and I will (I will also go through in a bit and reply to who/what needs to be replied to but first an update.

Other than being completely overrun with emails that are starting to pile up I finally got a proper email address set up. So now if anyone has any inquires about my mask shoot them over to

I am trying my best to get on top of these emails so please be patient.... or just email me again.

I finally finished the Hoxton mask and I'm actually rather proud of it. I'm planing on getting a shoot together for these before I start my next project (Which will not be another payday mask)(I think)

Also I have an eBay auction up for a READY TO WEAR Dallas mask so if anyone is interested... get bidding

Payday 2 Dallas Mask | eBay
I've finished the dripper mask even though it doesn't look as scary as it was supposed to, it probably would if i had a gun to your head.
I chose this pattern.
View attachment 230935
and here are the results...
View attachment 230941View attachment 230943View attachment 230947View attachment 230948
I've got so much clay left i wonder what mask i should do next???

Love that mask, you've pulled that paint job off really well too.

As to be expected when you make something awesome.

Thank you Arch :) I do apologise to anyone I haven't gotten back to yet. But if people are more likely to get a response now by emailing
me over at due to the emptiness of my inbox there.

DUDE HOLY crap man amazing really!!! WOW!.. ok look I just made this account. From searching the web I found your masks; which at first I thought were going to look ok; but then I saw them, wow man! You are truly an artist! These are how they should look. Anyways 3 of my friends and I really need these masks for halloween and some other things. If you are willing to sell your art please, name your price. Honestly we will even let u put your signature or something on them. You make perfect payday masks. So if you are willing to sell all the 4 masks for each character, I will buy for a good price. Email me at hope you see this! Really would love to purchase them. Only if you have extras; because I would not buy your hard work so you can't have a copy. Please name your price for all four. Ill be here waiting for a reply. September 21 2013. Is the day I wrote this so yeah:)

Thank you Kingjules I'm glad you like my work :D. Shoot me an email over at the new address and I get back to you as soon as possible.
bought the game for the xbox solely on finding this thread, after one day of playing gave up its just to hard, think i will just enjoy the masks and artwork the game is a huge letdown

The game on Xbox is a great game in my opinion yeah it could use an update but its about the gun of showin off how good you are in a heist to the others on Xbox live and true it is harder to do if you are playing offline but of you can beat all mission offline then it's a breaze to beat them online I am currently level 100 and have over 2 billion in my off shore account and just over 1 billion in spending cash

I only have the game on steam, I love it (DUUUH!) but I have heard the console port isn't amazing, the patches arn't up to date but saying that overkill did patch it a few days ago and last time I tried playing it I kept crashing so I can see where you're coming from.
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