Good news, Phaser phans!
The last part from shapeways arrived today. I call it, the belt clip.
First, a brief summary of what it is and why it's here. (Feel free to skip down to the photos if you're not into wordy phaser philosophy...)
I'm not (at least currently) a collector of props, or someone who builds purely to build. I'm not even really someone who leaves thier props out on display- (Except, in case the wife reads this, for the pulse rifle. I mean, you have to hang that on the wall, right?) No, I'm more the type who limits my builds to things that I am really going to 'use'.
In this case, 'use' means wear on a costume. But when you are doing Trek costumes and talking phasers, that is the trick, isn't it? With TOS phasers, you have the option of going the velcro route. It's screen accurate. I actually like it for the P1. But for the P2, you have to seriously deface one side of your prop the get the surface area you need. And even if it is accurate, it isn't all that secure for bumping around a couple of hours at a party or convention. With TMP there were actually metal clips that stuck out of the sides of the props that were worn on the security guys belts. But like the velcro, this forces you to chose between a prop that looks good, or one you can wear.
In TWOK, your screen accurate choices were the built in holsters on the field jackets (but seriously, who would wear one of those behemoths all day?) or the 'jam it in your belt' approach like Capt. Tyrell. In ST III, where this phaser appeared, the security guards had new holsters on their belts. Which look like they worked decently, but will always be awkward due to the shape of the prop. (Saavik again used the jacket's built in holster.) And a full holster just doesn't seem very Trek-like to those who grew up watching Shatner just yank the weapon off his pants. In ST V to wear the phaser it was zip-tied to the belt...
So, I wanted a way to wear this prop that would be more reliable than velcro, and not make any part of the prop look any worse than it absolutely had to. So, here's my current attempt at a solution- the belt clip:
I had them make this in steel.
The concept is that it is large and sturdy enough, and mounted far enough back, that you can wear the phaser on a TWOK uniform belt, and not fear dropping it, even if bumped. Better yet, it is spring loaded, and when you pull it off the belt, it retracts into the phaser body on it's own. It is intended to nearly disappear. It also will activate a switch when the phaser is drawn, but I'm not there yet...
I did manage to paint the part and install it with the spring.
I think it blends in pretty well.
The rest of the electronic parts are due tomorrow. In anticipation, I installed the wires that take the switch signal from the belt clip (or will, once I install the switch) up to the P1:
And that is where it stand today...