Photos needed for Greedo/Jawa Ruger Mk1 blaster

There's been some good info so far.

Superjedi, what did you use for your antenna greeblies on top?

Also, what are the two cylinders on the mount attached to the breech?

Is the rounded nub on the front of the muzzle another screw cover?

I can see from pictures that the arrowhead looking detail is indeed on the left side as well. What is in between them? Also what other details does the left side hold?

Is the grip detail a button snap, Imp disk, or something else?

Thanks for those of you in the know. I appreciate you sharing your information.
The grip detail is an 'Imperial' (or Rebel, if you are that way inclined.) disc. It was on some of the Rebel DH17s too after all.

Originally posted by wuher da brewer@Sep 29 2005, 10:52 PM
There's been some good info so far. 

Superjedi, what did you use for your antenna greeblies on top?

Also, what are the two cylinders on the mount attached to the breech?

Is the rounded nub on the front of the muzzle another screw cover?

I can see from pictures that the arrowhead looking detail is indeed on the left side as well.  What is in between them?  Also what other details does the left side hold? 

Is the grip detail a button snap, Imp disk, or something else?

Thanks for those of you in the know.  I appreciate you sharing your information.
I've changed the rear sight on my Greedo DT-12. Thanks, Chris. That gun parts website you recommended is FAST.. :)
Here are a couple of detail shots showing the resin parts I bought. I know that I got them around the middle/end of November, 2004. I wish I could remember who I got them from. . . if you're out there, chime in.


looks like a model airlane bomb. Those would be the fins. (or is this already known?)
Superjedi - nice improvement.
I like, I just wish they had more parts that I need.
If you remove the cylinder and bull barrel front sight piece you have mounted on top and replace it with a piece of T-track grip material it'll be even closer to the real prop.
That will lower your antenna pieces to the correct height (the head of them will sit on the top surface of the gun) and the stem will rest in the notch of you new rear sight.
Originally posted by wuher da brewer@Oct 19 2005, 05:19 AM
Can anyone help me figure out what this piece is?  I think I can make do on the rest of the pieces.

Scroll up to my last post. If we had some model airplane people, maybe they could say if I'm right.
I think that's some kind of tool or machine part.

If it were a scale bomb, I don't think there would be scratches in-between the 'fins' — the fins would prevent most objects from touching thath recess.

See this handy diagram :)


Here is my progress. Yes that's four fishing weights. I hammered the needles into the length of grip. I intend to back fill the fishing weights on the needles.

I'm still unsure what to use for the details below the barrel. Any help would be great. Thanks.

I'm not. It's just my opinion, but I think that was due to the molding and casting process, the thicker trigger guard wasn't intended to be like that. I may be wrong of course. :)
I wasn't planning to bulk up the trigger guard on mine either. They just did that to cast the gun and make it more sturdy for film use. Like on the Merr Sonn or ANH DH-17 you would have to bulk up the trigger guard and loose the trigger itself.

Wuhrer - there are many things you could make that missile looking piece out of. If you're only going for the general look you could use parts of a pen and maybe a wire nut.
I'm reviving this thread because I just got an Airsoft Ruger Mk 1 with the intention of building up a Greedo blaster. I got 2 Han Solo blaster grills from Blast-tech for the flash suppressor, but having looked at them up close, I don't think that was what was used on the original. I'm only a moderate stickler for absolute accuracy, but this is waaay off.

Does anyone have a source for the flash suppressor? Or any of the other parts, for that matter (though I imagine I could sculpt some of them if I needed to). Or would it be best to put a WTB thread up in the junkyard?
For what it's worth, I was the one offering the resin add-on parts a couple of years ago. They were casts of the metal parts I had made for the Disney World Star Wars Weekends Greedo costume gun I made for them:

Big thanks goes to Chris Trevas for his help with this in 2004.

I made one for myself at the time too based on the airsoft Ruger. I'd like to do the Jawa version as well- is anyone offering resin casts of the Ruger?

O.k. guys...

I enough people would be interested, I could provide the resin MK1´s (molded from my original one), while David aka Boba Dept could provide the radial grills. He gave me green light to start an interest thread for him, check out the JY in the next days.

But the possible run of MK1´s wouldn´t ´start ready before the end of july.
Even then, I´d recommend to look out for the different airsoft, which should look way cooler than a resin cast IMHO.

We need to find someone to do the little antenna pieces on top. Someone on here made some for his Mer Sonn blaster (forgot who), so maybe if someone has the dimensions a run could be done?