Pip Boy 3000 Scratchbuild- a few pictures

I started researching how to make my own pipboy 3000. How durable is the result when made out of paper craft like this?
Thornkey, welcome to THERPF it's called matte board it's used as a border for framin' pictures and it would better to pm th' OP this is a dead thread only th' OP can revive a dead thread look at th' last posted date there's a lot of dead threads and abandoned project builds since the Op's last post was march of last year I haven't seen any posts on any other threads from this member try ta Pm this member regarding this build rember they usually have jobs and families to attend to be patient or better yet start your own it might inspire them to return to an unfinished project. :cool:
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I really LOVE the work so far on the AEP7 Laser Pistol. About how long has it taken you altogether to make it? How much does it weigh, and is it lighter/heavier than you'd like? One last question: Do you know how much you've spent on it? Thanks for your post! I need one by the beginning of October so hopefully I can duplicate your work!